Chapter 7: When Doves Cry

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Prince had been at the studio often and I was still off on weekends. We saw each other everyday, but by the time I would get home, he would be exhausted. Today, I was laying on the couch watching them make this album. We had managed to score some mattresses to make the studio have a more "rounded sound". Prince's words, not mine. I will admit it did make the songs have better sound without the echo of the studio. I watched as he would swap from singing, to guitar, to singing while playing guitar, to going to his piano with his guitar in his lap. It was amazing watching him do all of this at once, but I knew he'd be tired when it was all said and done. He and I were balancing us and his dreams which was working out. Every now and then, which wasn't very often, I'd be lonely because he wasn't in bed with me, but I knew what he was doing and where he was so it didn't matter.

"Yo, Prince. Barry said you got something in the mail." Andre called from behind me as he was walking into the studio. Prince took his guitar off of his shoulders and placed it on the stand before grabbing the envelope from Andre. I moved my legs so he could sit down next to me and he opened the envelope. "It's from First Avenue!" He yelled and Andre leaned over the back of the couch to read with us. "I, the owner, have listened to your tape and would like to schedule a one night gig for you and your band. There is no name for the band, but in time I'm sure you can come up with one. I would like to meet all of you Wednesday morning to discuss the set and what will be performed. Thank you, Billy." Prince threw the letter and started kicking his feet. "Yes! FUCK!" He was so excited he jumped over the coffee table and started pacing. "Wait, wait so we have a concert!?" He asked. "Yeah! We have a WHOLE SET! We're gonna be performing at First FUCKING Avenue!! That's THE place to perform in Minneapolis." Andre was now excited. They were acting like a couple of school girls that got a phone call back from their crush. It was honestly incredibly adorable and hilarious. I heard the door open from behind me and I turned my head to see Matt walking in. "Matt!" Prince climbed up the couch and jumped off of the back of it which scared me but he landed on six inch heels. Now I was impressed. "We got a letter from the First Avenue owner! We're gonna perform there! Well, we need to make a setlist and meet him, but we meet him tomorrow!" Matt was now excited. Wow, I couldn't imagine what it'll be like when everyone else shows up. I was excited as well, but I knew this was a band excitement kind of thing. Prince sat beside me again while Andre sat to the right of me. Prince had a notebook and pen in his hand. "Okay, what songs are the best we've made together as a band?" He asked Matt and Andre. I was cute being in the middle of this. "I personally think that Raspberry Beret song is cute." I said. Prince wrote that down. "Okay...what else?" "Oh, we gotta do Let's Go Crazy. We have to." Andre said. "Yup. That's a must." He said as he wrote that down. Prince leaned back with his arms behind his head. Lately he was getting some muscle which was making him look so much leaner. Matt was playing his keyboard on the floor and I heard the door open behind me. Prince turned his head. "Wendy!!" He probably scared her but he jumped off of the back of the couch again. "Prince! One day you're not going to land that." Wendy said with a laugh. "Is Lisa here?" He asked. "Yeah, hey before you say anything....we brought someone that you might use for the band. His name is Dez and he's in a tight spot." I blinked. "Another member?" I asked. I got off of the couch to stand beside Prince and the guy who I assumed was Dez walked in beside Lisa.

I wasn't sure how Prince would take this and I always thought that the band was good enough with the people we had. "What can you do?" Prince asked. "I play guitar." Prince crossed his arms. "Okay? We have Wendy and myself, though. Andre on bass...we also have two keyboardists." Prince said. "You have been saying you've wanted a spare guitarists for more background noise." Lisa said as she shut the door. Prince stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I'll tell you what. Come to this meeting with us and during this set we'll see if you fit in. It's risky, but any time to test a new member is during a live set." I was shocked Prince let him in so easily. We all sat down with Matt, Lisa, and Wendy sitting on the floor and Dez was sitting by himself. I could tell he didn't fit in yet, and I didn't blame him, but I could tell Prince wasn't too thrilled about having him yet.

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