Chapter 6: Beautiful, Loved, and Blessed

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I was working non stop now that there were people wanting more music. I was even making money off of the tapes I'd make for people and some even wanted custom tapes. Finally, after a year of doing this on my own, I was seeing that it was possible and that people cared about what I was doing. A good but if Minneapolis was also stopping by the diner for the food and also my tapes which wasn't flying with Samira's boss. Speaking of Samira, I was getting worried about her as she had been distant from me the last couple of days. Not emotionally, but verbally. I could tell there was just a lot on her mind, and I hope it wasn't anything I had caused. She was working the night shift tonight and I was sitting in our bed writing a song in my notebook with my acoustic next to me. The band and I had recorded a song today and Andre managed to score a video camera so I could watch the rehearsals we recorded today. But on a night like tonight, I just wanted to write another song. I wanted to write one a day....just one. It kept me sane. I heard the front door shut outside the bedroom door and I turned to look at the alarm clock. She was coming home early. The door opened and she stood there with snow flurries on her coat. "Hey, baby. How was work?" I asked her. "Meh, it could've gone better." I felt bad. Lately she just wasn't enjoying anything. "Is there a way I could help your night be better?" I asked as I put my notebook aside. Samira sat on the bed and took her shoes off. "No. I just want to sleep." She said. I frowned as she stepped into the bathroom. Something was bothering her. I stood and got undressed before getting under the covers and waited for her to get in bed with me to go to sleep.

Samira stepped out of the bathroom with her makeup and clothes off before climbing into bed beside me. "Your mom came by." She said. That was enough to make anyone irritated. "Then your dad came by...they were wondering about you...and your dad and I got into it." I was almost shocked. "Huh? Why?" I asked. Samira laid on my lap over the blanket. "....Mr. Roosevelt had to break it up. I'm glad you weren't there. We talked about my mom." Her mother was still a touchy subject that I didn't even bring up. She really resented her, and I was pretty sure why. "Dad brought her up?" I asked rubbing her back. "Yeah. It pisses me off when he asks about her." I moved my hand up to stroke her hair. "Your mom did the same thing. I know what my mom did...and...I'm sorry she was that way, but we were kids." I stopped stroking her hair. "Huh? What are you talking about, baby?" Samira opened her eyes. "I....I don't know if I should tell you." I sat up some and she rolled onto her back. "What are you talking about? Is this why you said my mom ruined my childhood?" Samira visibly swallowed. "It's sad that your mom kept this from you...but...when we were kids...your dad had an affair with my mom." I blinked and she sat up slowly watching my face as I was processing this. "That's why they got divorced...that's why you moved away." I said watching her eyes. I didn't really know what to think, but I wasn't surprised. "I'm sorry." I said to her. "Now you know why dad doesn't like my mom mentioned destroyed their relationship. She left us." Samira said stroking the side of my neck.

"I've always wondered if that was the case. Especially over the last few months. But, it doesn't matter now because you're here with me. We're more than friends now and we're adults. The only thing keeping us apart is each other. Is this why you've been so distant?" I asked her. Samira nodded. "I've been wanting to tell you since that night, never seemed right. You're not angry are you?" I still didn't know how to feel. I was relieved that she got what was bothering her off of her chest, but I was angry at my dad and for some reason at my mother. "No, I'm okay." I said to her. Samira kissed me. "I'm gonna go grab a shower. You finish writing your song, okay?" I nodded. "Yeah." I said as she got out of bed. I grabbed my notebook and pen and opened up to the song I was going to write, but I didn't feel like writing a love song right now. This album I wanted to make needed an instrumental. I decided to write a few more lyrics to the love song and then I put my notebook away. I needed to see dad tomorrow.

The next day, Samira had woken up before me, but thankfully I woke up in time. "Hey, I wanna take you to work today." She said. "You do? Why?" "I'm gonna be out and about and I'll be done by the time you get off." Samira smiled at the gesture. "Okay. Do you want to go to Bern's house after work?" She asked. I grinned as I did want to hang out with her family. I wasn't really a family person until I met her dad, Bernadette, and Andre. "Yeah, that sounds fun." I said. I got dressed in jeans, a poet shirt, and my new purple coat I got from the mall last week. It was my favorite coat. I slipped on my heels wanting to be my authentic self when I was talking to my father. I grabbed the keys to my bike and saw Wendy waking up. "Prince, are we rehearsing today?" Lisa left Wendy's room right behind her. " not today. We recorded a song yesterday so just...take the day off and chill." They seemed relieved by that. "Cool. We might go to Swicegood and see what they have. I'm glad you took us to that shop because they have good strings there." I smiled. "Matt took me there years ago. You'll have to thank him." Samira put her coat on and I felt her rub my back, signaling for us to go. "I'll see you guys tonight." I told Wendy and Lisa before Samira and I headed out to the parking lot. "Shit, it's cold." Samira said. "I'm used to it by now." I told her as I got on my bike. She got on behind me and I cranked it up before we sped off.

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