About me

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Hi I'm Katie, Katie Connor I live with my dad he's called Patrick he's nice when he's not on drugs. My mums called Carla I've never been to her house I only see her once a month as that's all dad lets me. They used to madly in love and were in so hard to make them leave each other alone for 2 minutes. That didn't last long after I was born they started to be as close and started fighting. Dad went out one night cheated on mum and she was so upset she left and moved away. Then dad turned to drugs. He blames me for him and mum splitting up. He hits me and kicks me but that's nothing compared to what he's done before. I know where Carla lives she lives on coronation street but I can't go there because no one knows I exist. Not even her fiancé Peter. He sounds nice he's an ex alcoholic just like my mum. He's got a kid called Simon who hates Carla. He's just a spoilt prat.

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