Leia, seated beside her daughter, senses the shift in Avalon's focus. She discreetly nudges her with an elbow, a subtle reminder to stay engaged. Avalon blinks and refocuses on the conversation, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

The planetary leaders continue to present their demands, their voices growing more impassioned. They speak of the hardships their worlds have endured under the First Order's rule, the suffering of their people, and their longing for freedom.

Avalon, caught between the urgency of the moment and the pull of her wandering thoughts, struggles to contribute meaningfully to the discussion. She offers a few well-placed comments but finds it increasingly challenging to remain fully engaged.

Leia, ever perceptive, leans closer to her daughter and speaks in a hushed tone.

"Pay attention, dear."

Avalon nods, her expression determined, and makes a conscious effort to refocus her attention. She takes notes, listens intently to the leaders' concerns, and offers suggestions for potential compromises.

Despite her efforts, her absentmindedness occasionally gets the best of her. Her mind drifts back to the stars, to the countless lives affected by the ongoing conflict, and to the weight of her responsibilities as a leader. She feels a deep connection to the galaxy, one that sometimes tugs at her focus.

As the negotiation reaches its critical juncture, Avalon's mind once again begins to wander. She gazes out the window at the distant stars, lost in thought, when one of the planetary leaders directs a pointed question toward her.

"Avalon Solo, what do you think?"

Avalon blinks, her thoughts jolting back to the present. The eyes of the room are fixed on her, awaiting her response. She takes a deep breath, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

"I... I apologize," She stammers, her voice carrying a hint of fluster, "Could you please repeat the question?"

The planetary leader repeats the question with a patient smile, and Avalon gathers her thoughts to provide a thoughtful response. Despite the momentary lapse, she remains an important voice in the negotiation.

After the meeting concludes, Leia offers a reassuring smile to her daughter.

"You did well, Avalon."

Avalon appreciates her mother's support but can't help but feel frustrated with her own absentminded tendencies. She knows that her unique perspective and compassion are strengths, but she also recognizes the need to manage her wandering thoughts more effectively.

Years have passed since Avalon last spoke with her grandfather's Force ghost, the spectral presence of Anakin Skywalker, who had appeared to her during a time of uncertainty. The memory of their conversations, filled with wisdom and guidance, remains a cherished part of her past.

But in the present, the connection to her brother, Ben, has grown silent. It has been years since she felt his presence through the Force, a connection that had once bound them together as twins. The absence of that bond has left an emptiness in her heart, a sense of longing for the closeness they once shared.

What Avalon doesn't realize is that while their telepathic bond has grown quiet in the waking world, it has not disappeared. Every night, as they drift into dreams, their connection reawakens in the realm of the Force.

In these shared dreams, Avalon and Ben find themselves in a place that transcends time and space—a dreamscape where their thoughts, emotions, and experiences merge. It is a world of their creation, one where they can communicate and connect as they did when they were children.

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