"Thank you," She replies softly, a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

As they part ways, Poe watches Avalon walk down the corridor, his interest piqued. He can't help but wonder about the enigmatic newcomer with the stars in her eyes.

In the following days, a unique friendship begins to take root between Avalon and Poe. They find themselves drawn to each other, their conversations becoming a source of both comfort and distraction from the turmoil that surrounds them.

Avalon, despite her absentmindedness, begins to appreciate the moments of respite that spending time with Poe provides. His easygoing nature and quick wit are a balm to her troubled soul, and she finds herself slowly opening up to him.

Poe, on the other hand, is captivated by Avalon's mysterious aura. There's an air of vulnerability about her that tugs at his heartstrings. He's intrigued by the complexity of her character, and though he flirts with her in his customary playful manner, he's careful not to push too hard.

Their interactions often take place in quiet corners of the Resistance base, away from prying eyes and the weight of their respective responsibilities. They share stories of their pasts, dreams of the future, and even the occasional bout of laughter that feels like a breath of fresh air in the midst of the galaxy's turmoil.

One day, as they sit in a secluded corner of the base's common area, Poe can't resist the urge to tease Avalon.

"You know, you've got this way of looking at the stars when you're lost in thought. It's like you're from another world."

Avalon's cheeks turn a soft shade of pink as she gazes at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement, "Is that a bad thing?"

Poe chuckles, his eyes twinkling with mirth, "Not at all. It's like you're carrying a piece of the universe with you. But I can't help but wonder what goes on in that head of yours when you're lost in the stars."

Avalon's lips curve into a small smile, and she shrugs, "Sometimes, it's just a jumble of thoughts. Other times, it's... memories. Dreams of a brighter galaxy, I guess."

Poe's expression softens as he listens to her words, "I think we all dream of a brighter galaxy, Avalon. That's why we're here, fighting for a better tomorrow."

As the days turn into weeks, their friendship deepens. They find themselves confiding in each other, sharing their fears and hopes, and leaning on each other for support in the midst of uncertain times. Avalon, who had once been adrift in her own thoughts, begins to find a sense of grounding in her friendship with Poe.

Poe, for his part, is enchanted by the complexity of Avalon's character. He knows that she carries the weight of her family's legacy on her shoulders, and he admires the strength that lies beneath her sometimes absentminded exterior.

Their flirtatious banter continues, becoming a lighthearted dance that both of them enjoy. Poe teases her about her penchant for getting lost in thought, and she responds with witty comebacks that leave him chuckling.

One evening, as they sit together in a quiet corner of the base, watching the stars through a window, Poe turns to Avalon with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You know, if you ever need someone to show you the constellations... I'm your guy."

Avalon meets his gaze, her own eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Constellations, huh? Are you an expert in stargazing, Commander Dameron?"

Poe leans closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "Well, I may not be an expert, but I do know a thing or two about finding your way among the stars. And who knows, we might even discover a few new constellations together."

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