
Beginne am Anfang

"Aurora, nice of you to pick up, I was getting worried".

I rolled my eyes in amusement, that was so him. No matter what I did or how much I would push him away from me he would always take care of me.

"I appreciate that Matt but you don't have to."

"You always say that, but one time you were in rehab after that, so I don't trust you anymore."

"Okay, point taken."

"What are you doing? You want to come over?"

"I was there yesterday, do you miss me yet?"

He didn't say anything for a while and I was afraid that I had said something wrong.

"Yes" he said with a sigh and my heart beat faster. And I did not know what to say.

"Are you coming?" he asked when I didn't answer. I looked at the clock. I wanted to see him but it was already 6:44pm.

"I know you're looking at the clock and I'm telling you that you can sleep here. Then you don't have to go home."
"All right. I'm coming."

"yay, see you in 20"

"Give me 40, I gotta pack up some stuff and talk to Phoebe about picking her up tomorrow, not that she's gonna wake up tomorrow and me and my car are gone and she has no idea where I am."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit."

I hung up and went to Phoebe's room and knocked. Then I entered. She looked up from her laptop and looked at me questioningly.

"I'm sleeping at Matt's tonight. We'll pick you up in the morning." I said and she started to grin.

,,Okay, see you tomorrow and I want to hear all the details then." She said and I rolled my eyes.


When I arrived at the boys' house, I didn't even have to ring the doorbell. As soon as I stood in front of the door, someone opened it automatically. Of course it was Matt.

"Can't wait to see me, can you?" I said and we hugged.

"No,-" he was about to say something, but Chris interrupted him.

"WUHUU, Aurora is here." He shouted and joined our hug.

"Group cuddle without me? Naughty" said nick as he came around the corner and joined the group hug.

I had to laugh. "You guys are acting like I've been gone for three years. What happened?" I asked and had to giggle more.

"Nothing, we are just glad that you are here." Chris said and detached himself from me. And it felt so good to hear that you were loved.

We watched a movie together and then each of the boys disappeared into their rooms, me with Matt.

We talked and intesiv and the looks he threw me again and again missed me fire under my skin.

He had made music in the background on, he had made a playlist with my favorite songs as he knew I do not like to hear rap.

And then one of my favorite songs, lost in the wild, played, whereupon I immediately had to smile and jumped up and grabbed an empty bottle and used it as a microphone.

"I really thought that I could save us... AND WE'LL ALL BE ANIMALS" I said to him before he just smiled at me. And I don't know what got into me but somehow I felt so good.

"You're crazy." He said.

"And you're boring." I said and looked at him in front. It didn't take him 3 seconds to get up and dance with me and sing along to the lyrics.

"I love this side of you." He said as I turned in a circle. And when my gaze met his there was again this expression in his face and this glitter in his eyes.

"I kind of missed her too." I said.
"I missed you."
"I was here yesterday." I said and laughed.
"I meant when you were away, in the clinic." And the mood changed with that sentence and I was about to tell him the truth when he grabbed my hand.

We stood so close to each other that I had to look up at him. He stroked a tear of hair from my face and all doubts that I was not in love with him were blown away.

"What is this? I mean this, between us" he asked with a relaxed warm voice.

And I didn't know what to say. He had me trapped. And it annoyed me that I didn't ask him first. But it was also good that he asked because I knew that he also realized that this was not just friendship.

Our eye contact still held and I felt warm. What were we doing?

And I don't know where I got the courage to stand on my toes, but it happened and he was the one who joined our lips.

It was a magical feeling. Our lips moved in sync, his hands lingered on my waist and mine on his neck. I smelled his good smell and my belly was warm, I never wanted it to end.

Every now and then our lips parted again so we could catch our breath but as soon as we could they collided again. No idea how long we stood there and kissed us but in my opinion not long enough.

Because at some point we separated and looked at each other out of breath, still in each other's arms.

Then matt started to stutter. "Wow...that, that was...just...uh wow." And I had to laugh, he was so overwhelmed and somehow I thought it was totally sweet.

"And what does that mean now?" I asked so that he wouldn't be the first to ask again.

"Was the kiss not clear enough?" he asked, amused. "I think you're great Aurora, I did it before and I'm doing it again?

Somehow I had to smile when he did it.

"So you have a crush on me?" He rolled his eyes and laughed, leaning forward again to give me a quick kiss. After that he breathed an "Oh yeah" against my lips and that made me so happy that I couldn't describe it in words.

"And you? Do you also have a crush on me?" "Wasn't the kiss good enough?" provoked him. "Oh, it was more than good, but I want to hear it."
"Yes, I do," I said and then he grinned widely and pulled me closer to him.

After that we talked a little and then we went to bed. I fell asleep in his arms and it was such a nice feeling to know that he felt the same as I did.

𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - Matt SturnioloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt