(2) The Places We Will Go

Start from the beginning

"Felix is making cookies. I'm sure Minho would like some."

"Actually, good idea. It might give Minho incentive to eat an actual meal, since he hasn't eaten all day and wanted me to get him cheese balls so he could smell them."

"That could work."

Jeongin sat next to Chan.

The leader looked at him fondly, with a comforting smile.

"Hyung, you would tell me if something is wrong right?"

"Yes, I would."

"Hm. Okay then. I'll go see if Minho wants to eat actual food."

The maknae got up and walked away.

Chan sat back in his seat, thinking about what Jisung had said.

The Out Fields was a place known for how scary it can be. There have been a number of "accidents", with the incident five months ago being one of them.

No one quite knew the source, with most just chalking it up to the place being creepy and abandoned.

That's what Chan thought as well.

But as the boys would come to learn, when Han Jisung says it's a bad idea, you best believe it's a bad idea.



"Minho, you know food is necessary for survival. You can't survive off of air and spite."

The little pouted, crossing his arms.

Jeongin sighed.

"Honey, can you please eat something? For me?"


"You can't? Why not?"

Minho pointed to his face, then the trash can near Jeongin's bed, then to his stomach.

"Oh...OH. Wait you actually can't eat? It's not because you don't want to?"

The little nodded.

Now they had a bigger problem on their hands.

As he was about to go tell the others, a text message hit the group chat.

It was a message from Chan, asking for everyone to meet downstairs.

"Come on baby, we have a group meeting."

Minho followed Jeongin downstairs, as all of the members gathered on the couches.

Changbin had Hyunjin sitting in between his legs, and the younger was apparently sleeping.

Once everyone had sat down, Chan began to talk.

"So, some of us received an email this morning. A new SKZ Code video is being filmed soon. In two days."

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