Chapter one~Memory lane

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Chapter one

(Roe's P.O.V)

                 How ironic is it that I am sitting in the same seat I sat three years ago. Although, last time I was crying a rain storm, but now I am excited because I can't wait to see their faces. Sitting in this same spot brings back memories of the day I left.

Three years ago....

"But dad! I don't want to go. Please. You know how shy I am. The kids might make fun of me," I said. "You're going and that's final Roe," dad said. I pouted my lips and said, "But dad! They are going to call me ugly and fat like Kingsley who always makes fun of me with his friends.

Dad sighed and crouched down to eye level while saying, "Honey, you are beatiful. Don't listen to what those kids say to you. You know your family loves you. Anyways, maybe this could be a new begining for you! You could make a lot of new friends and feel better about moms death. I love you honey and I hate to send you away, but I know this is the right thing to do." I stomped my feet like a three year old.

"Okay honey, go say bye to your brothers," dad said while picking the luggage. I started to cry again. I am going to miss all eight of them so much. I go downstairs with dad right beside me having no trouble carrying three heavy luggages. I see all my brothers standing in age order with Adam being carried by my oldest brother James. I started to cry harder and I saw some of my longer brothrs starting to cry too. "Bye guys," I said distressfully.

They hugged me, but Reece couldn't let go. He was my twin and it was the first time we are going to be apart from each other for a long period of time. "Come'on Reece. I'll see you soon! When I come back, be ready with the Batman costumes. We'll go give old Mrs. Lacy a scare," I said trying to lighten the mood for him. Reece laughed at that and so did the others. Inside I felt so angry at my aunt for doing something like this to me. I hate her. Who does she think she is making decisons for me. She is not my mom nor will she ever be.

Reece finally let go. I took a deep breath and said to everyone, "I love you. And make sure you don't miss me too much." I winked, then turned around not looking back. I kept on crying on the way to the airport because it felt like I was leaving a part of me behind. However, saying bye to my dad was the hardest thing to do.

Without mom there, my dad was the only one there that would yell at me and give me hugs. He would always say "No matter what happens, I wil always be here for you." He would always act like my best friend . I will miss my whole family, but I knew I will miss my dad the since I am my daddy's little girl.

"OUCH!" That was HOT! You know having hot tea spilled on my black skinny jeans fudging burns. The old man looked at me frightend and had a huge guilt face on. UHhh... Shoot me.

P.S. Megan Fox is Roe

Merci, gracias, thank you to M.S & Sunny <3

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