"This your girlfriend, Yuuji?" He commented with a half-grin.

You remember turning red at his comment, waving your arms around wildly. You remember the way his eyes creased as he laughed at you, one of the few times you recall seeing him laugh.

So what if you had heart eyes for your best friend's older brother? It was harmless, just a little crush you had formed on the guy you felt had stolen your heart away. Harmless.

At least, it was until the two of you grew older. You started junior high, you started puberty , and as your body changed, so did his. So did your feelings, morphing from a butterfly crush to something more akin to desire as you began to see him in a different light.

He lost the baby fat around his face. His eyes had darkened, shoulders broadening. His hair got longer, falling into his boyish, scarred face in a way that rendered you entirely breathless.

He was becoming a man.

You were 13 and 15 now, stealing sneaky glances at him whenever he would pass by his brother's room. Yuji, who had just been boasting about how he was starting to get taller than you, would pay it no mind.

It was just a crush. He was two years your senior, after all. You had no chance.

You were 13 when he would poke fun at you and his brother. He was 15 when he would laugh at the way your face would go red. He didn't know that it wasn't his brother you wanted.

14 and 16 when you first began to notice the subtle slope of his shoulders become more pronounced, more defined. When you began to notice the way his muscles would strain against the sleeves of his tee shirt.

He had always been a large guy, having hit quite a few growth spurts along the way. He had to have been about 5'10 at that point, practically towering over you. But lately, you thought he must have been hitting the gym. He would walk past Yuji's open door – and in their house it was a family policy to leave the door open when you came over, even if Yuji was only a brother to you – with gym gear on. He would come back with sweat-slicked hair plastered to his forehead, chest rising and falling steadily.

Something about that made your hormones go wild for him. Inappropriate thoughts began to chew away at you from the inside, images of what he could do to you with such strength, even if you weren't too certain what 'doing' even entailed at that time. The scent of his pheromones, something like that – or maybe it was the way his gym clothes hugged his body while he marched towards the bathroom to take a shower – it made you feral for him.

He was so much bigger than you now. It made your head spin with feelings you didn't quite understand. It was just a crush... so why did you stay awake at night imagining him panting over you, sweat trickling down his bare chest? The way his muscles might ripple under your hesitant, inexperienced touch? The warmth that would bloom over your face when you imagined his lips on yours – this man who you had never gotten close to.

A man who you remembered having a late night conversation with in the kitchen while Yuuji slept right down the hall one night.

He was ransacking the cabinet for snacks when you found him. He relaxed once he'd noticed it was you, the two of you eventually falling into sugar-fueled conversation after he cracked open a pack of double-stuff oreos. A conversation about the taboo , about the things you had been told to keep quiet.

"You don't have to be all flustered 'round me, y'know," He had told you rather softly. The two of you were separated by the kitchen island, but it felt like he was way to close to you. "You can ask me anything you're curious about."

"I'm not curious!" You had whisper-shouted back with a roll of your eyes. "I don't want to know about your sex life, you whore."

"You just asked me what it felt like, liar," He noted, quirking a brow at your outward reaction. He loved to get under your skin. Lived for it. "And for the record, I'm not a whore. Most of the times I've been touched have been with my own hand."

𝘽𝙀𝙎𝙏 𝙁𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝘿'𝙎 𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍 | 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘰 𝘬𝘢𝘮𝘰Where stories live. Discover now