𝔸𝕔𝕥 𝕆𝕟𝕖: 𝕊𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕖 𝟠

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"We don't swim in the same pool," Emily interjected, "we have separate pools for the men's and the women's teams. But yeah. I do see him very often."

"See...," Jisoo pointed out, "Does he have a girlfriend right now?"

Emily shakes her head and says, "Not that I am aware of. But..his ex will be here. She's a swimmer too."

"Well...she's an ex right? Who care about the ex. Oh gosh. I need to go shopping now," Rosé said, "Are we done for today?"

"Yes. Yes," Jinyoung waved her off, "Feel free to leave."
The smell of cigarette burning and smoke in the air hit Jeonghan as soon as he entered his room.
He threw his bag on the floor next to the door and kicked off his shoes.

"Why the fuck do you always smoke in my room?" He spoke to his best friend, Choi Seungcheol, who is currently sprawled on Jeonghan's bed, a cigarette in his hand. "Just because your girlfriend doesn't let you smoke around her, it does not give you a free ride to smoke in my room. Destroy your lungs somewhere else."

"Why are you being a prick?" Seungcheol asks, confused at the outburst his friend his having. Normally Jeonghan doesn't give two cents on Seungcheol's smoking habits. In fact sometimes he will join Seungcheol for a smoke as well.

"Do you guys want to have tteokbeoki for dinner?" Joshua asks, entering the room from behind Jeonghan, "It's kind of cold and I'm craving for it."

"I'm up," Seungcheol agreed, "What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know. He has been acting weird ever since we left the meeting" Joshua explained.

"Meeting?" Seungcheol asked.

"The committee meeting," Joshua explained.

"Oh right. I forgot you two are in it," Seungcheol said, "Since when do you care about my smoking?"

"Since my mom thinks I smoke," Jeonghan answered. Joshua also settled himself on the bed, sprawling and making himself comfortable while Jeonghan remained standing, his hands on his hips and a visible tension etched on his face.

"You do smoke," Joshua snorted.

"Yes but my mom doesn't know that,"Jeonghan said, "Besides, I don't even smoke as much as you two. It's very occasional. Being around you two is making me the smoke stick to my clothes and now my mom thinks I'm a chain smoker. So get your asses up and smoke in your own room."

"Jeez okay,"Seungcheol said, moving over and crushing his cigarette.

"What's wrong? Why are you so upset?" Seungcheol asks.

"Nothing. Just...fucking ...Nam Joo-hyuck," Jeonghan mumbled.

"Nam Joo-hyuck? The swimmer. The really good looking one?" Seungcheol's asked.

Jeonghan shot him a look and said, "You know him too?"

"yeah. Jia has been a little obsessed with him lately," Seungcheol explained, "I think it has to be with the fact Emily knows him. And maybe his abs too."

Seungcheol looked a little lost in thought as his right hand rubbed his tummy. Joshua did a quick google search and said, " Oh. He is good looking. I can see why girls are all over him. But I don't see what's that great about him that has everyone swooning? There is nothing that he has that we three don't."

"Yes! Thank you!" Jeonghan agreed.

Joshua stared at him for a few seconds before exclaiming, "Wait, this is what you're upset about?"

Jeonghan didn't say anything, avoiding Joshua's eyes. Seungcheol looks back and forth between Joshua and Jeonghan and asks, "What's going no"

"Nam Joo-hyuck. All the girls at the student committee meeting were going crazy over him," Joshua explained, his eyes never really leaving Jeonghan, non-verbally forcing him to make eye contact.

"And?" Seungcheol asked, not seeing a big deal in it.

"Emily was there," Joshua said, "She knows him personally. And it seems quite well too."

A brief silence falls in the room as Jeonghan looks a bit guilty as Seungcheol isn't quite sure what to say.

"I thought you never cared about her," Seungcheol finally said, "You said she was just a one time thing."

"She was," Jeonghan said.

"You ran after her last week when the meeting ended," Joshua said.

"You did?" Seungcheol said, the surprise  very evident in his voice.

"He did," Joshua confirmed, "What's your deal with her?"

"Nothing," Jeonghan said.

Joshua sighs and said, "Look, normally I don't give a shit about what you do and who you do it with but don't you think you should cut the girl some slack. I think messing up one time with her is enough."

Jeonghan looks at Joshua.

"Just leave her alone. Find some another girl to screw around with," Joshua said.

"Shua...that's a bit harsh," Seungcheol said.

"And? What he does isn't harsh? It's better he hears from me than from other people," Joshua said, looking a bit frustrated, "Look...Emily is...she seems like a nice person. I think messing with her is more than enough. Besides, she seems to be fully focused on swimming anyways."

"It's not my fault she felt for me. Shouldn't she have been more careful?" Jeonghan snapped. He hates arguing with Joshua. Even more than he hates arguing with Seungcheol. While Seuncgehol and he have known each other since childhood and share the same interests and hobbies, Joshua and him connect more deeply on an emotional and mental level. Joshua seems to understand his emotions and feeling a bit better than Seungcheol does and can often predict what Jeonghan is about to do. Joshua is always so calm and collected that in turn it makes Jeonghan nervous when he gets pissed off. It makes Joshua unpredictable and Jeonghan hates uncertainty in his life.

"How would you feel if someone messed with you sister they way you did with Emily? You get so mad when someone even tells your sister no," Joshua continued. He got up from the bed and picked up his bag.

"I think I'm going to stay in. You both go eat dinner together," Joshua said, leaving Jeonghan's room, leaving Seungcheol and Jeonghan in silence.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Updates might be a bit slow for the next two weeks because I am traveling a lot over the new year, visiting four cities in my home country, and also will be visiting my family a lot so I might not get enough time to write. But I will try my best!

Love, Betray & Crash (Jeonghan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें