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As Akane's tears dried. She wiped her tears away calming herself from the recent breakup while she stepped on the steps to the front of her home. She looked at the sunset, as her tears seemed to stopped now. She thought of something that made her happy "Aqu- Ruby-chan and Mem-cho" she thought as she placed a smile on her face and unlocked the door to her home. "I guess being an actor comes in handy in real life huh? " she thought.

"I'm home!! " She yelled walking into the house, closing and locking the door behind her. "Akane! Dear would you please get your grandma some tea in the kitchen? " her mother yelled from the living room. Akane quickly fled to the kitchen and poured to tea into a mug, and quickly bringing it over to the two older woman. "Akane, dear.. You grew up so.. Much... " her grandma said softly. Akane smiled "here grandma, drink up ok? " she said as she gave the tea into her hands. "Thank you akane. " her mother said as Akane nodded and walked to her room.

Closing the door softly behind her, locking it, he slid down to the ground. "Why me? " I mumbled out loud as her eyes were getting teary once again. "I'm tired... " she said as tears slid down her face.. "What's the point? " she began to doubt herself as she got up and paced around the room. "What am I gonna do?? I can't keep this to myself for my whole life will I? " I began to panic to come up with a solution. "Come on Akane your supose to be smart! " her breaths were getting shallow.

She yelled tears pour down her face as she began to tug on her hair now, even thought that didn't seem to help either. "I can't do this! " she said as she furiously closed her eyes rubbing them harshly. "All the things I worked for! Just going to be going down hill! She sobbed.. She weeped and cried her heart out. She slapped her cheeks with both of her hands. " C-calm down A-Akane.. Calm down.." She muttered to herself. But it still didn't help  she hiccuped as tears still feel. She became frustrated again. "What's the point of liv-" she raised her hand to punch herself in the stomach, but stopped. "My kid....... " she dropped her hand and stared at the floor. "I d-don't want to hurt you... I-im sorry.. " She apologized and wrapped her stomach with her arms and sat on the cold flooring. "I'm s-sorry, i-im sorry.. I-im so sorry! " she cried as more tears slipped down.

After a while she calmed down. She couldn't help but this. How could she forget?
She sat down there, laying her back on the bedframe and rested on there until her tears dried up a bit. "I wonder what you will be.... A boy... Or a girl..... " she mumbled to herself... "What would I name you?" She sighed and smiled a bit. "This is hard.. " she said while she giggled to herself. "How about I give you the best life I can? " she said to her belly. Akane smiled at the thought of a little kid that had her genes and someone in particular, running around calling for their mommy. She couldn't help herself but imagine. "Will I be a good mother?' She asked herself. She waited for her self to respond as she though carefully at her own question. " I'll be the best I can be.." She smiled a bit. She let the thoughts about her kid ruining her image so much, she couldn't belive she forgot about the baby itself.

She wiped her tears, leaving her with puffy eyes. She walked to her desk and looked at sat in her chair. Thinking of a solution that wouldn't effect anyone.

It's been officially 2 days since Akane and Aqua broke up. It left a unsettling feeling in Ruby's gut. Their concert was just around the corner, 3 days to be exact. Mem-cho, Kana and Ruby were practicing once again.
"Ah! Let's take a break!! " Mem-cho yelled, she was exhausted and dropped to the floor . Kana rolled her eyes. "Fine! " she grumbled, but you can tell she was tired to. Ruby didn't say anything but grab a water bottle and drank it. The sound of the practice room door opened. They turned to see it was and of course it was Aqua.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with your little girlfriend" Kana said with an exaggerating voice when said said "little girlfriend". She seemed annoyed of Akane. Ruby looked at her brother wondering what he would say. " Yeah! " Mem-cho agreed with Kana. Aqua sat on the couch in the practice room. "I broke up with her.. " he said, rather calmly. Ruby watched their reactions. Kana's eyes lit up, you can tell she was happy as her eyes shown the galaxy in them. They were pretty. On the other hand Mem-cho was surprised, we"W-what happened? " Mem-cho asked Aqua. He shifted a bit as he strolled through his phone "I don't want to talk about it  " he said dryly.

Mem-cho worried for her friend. Ruby stood there silently. Ruby looked at them . "Get out Aqua. " she said coldly. Mem-cho and Kana looked at her surprised at her actions. Even Aqua was surprised. "You'll distract us with you videos , specially kana. " Ruby said. Aqua sighed , "W-whats I'm not! " kana argued. I rolled my eyes as Aqua got up. "See ya. " he said and left the practice room. Kana was red from Ruby words. "Mem-cho sighed, let's just go back to practicing. " she said.

Sorry this was so short  I had a lot of things to do but I'm back :D.

Bro im so sorry this is me like today. I made tus a while ago and I don't know why it didn't post but I'm working on another one .. But this one is really short , there are a few mistakes .. I said "I" sometimes so hopefully y'all didn't get confused. :> <3

&quot;Unexpected... &quot;Aqua x Akane✧༺♥༻✧Where stories live. Discover now