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*Takes place when Aqua and Akane where dating * Warning contains sexual actives *


Akane Kurokawa pov:

It was pouring out today.... More like again. Aqua has been a sweetheart and been picking me up lately because of the rainy weather. Which I don't mind, walking together makes me happy even if it's for a little while. I looked up at the sky as big dark clouds move fast in the sky as water droplets fall to the ground. It's quite fascinating if you listen closely. It reminds me of how I would always run in the rain with my yellow rain coat while my father chased me around, jumping in puddles as it poured. A smile was forming in my face.

"What are you smiling about Akane? "

To my surprise, I turned to see my boyfriend, Aqua.

" Oh! Aqua. I was just fascinated by the rain, that's all really.. Thank you for coming out to get me, Aqua. "  A smile appeared on my face as I too watched his mouth curved a bit.

"It's nothing really. Come on now, it cold. Don't want a sick Akane, do we now? " He chuckled a bit. I felt my cheeks warm up a bit. "Mhn." As I nodded my head . I walked towards him as I carefully got under the umbrella he was holding. 

"How was work? " I turned my head to his direction. "It was alright, nothing really new. We just redid some scenes for the show/(or movie, idk remember) ." I smiled after saying that. He hummed as a response . We walked for a good 4 minutes in silence.  But not in a uncomfortable one. It was nice and calm, with no need of bringing an subject. Until I broke it.

"How are you and Kana-chan. I know you been avoiding her. But don't you think you can tell her why? " I asked. He looked at the ground a bit more but it didn't bother me at all. "I know.. But I'm afraid if I get in more of her life she'll won't focus on being an idol and other such thing... " he finally said . I smiled. "He.. Hehe " I started to giggled. He looked up at me and tilted his head. "What? " he questioned.

I stopped after a bit. "You really think she's gonna know your doing it for her sake? " I softened my voice as I saw his eyes widen a bit. He was quiet for a minute. " Your right, what would I ever do without you Akane? " he said and chuckled. I smiled and decided to joke around a bit to. " I don't know, die? " . We both had our little laughs as we arrived to my place.

I know you like Kana... But I just hope that the time we spend together will be memories I can keep when you go to her. I'm just the second choice to Kana... But that's okay. Im a tool and a second place person he'll pick. And again. That's ok. I knew what I signed up for . So........ So... So what?

We chatted until we were on my door steps. I grabbed my keys from my bag and opened the door. "Mom? " I yelled out to no response. I turned to Aqua. "Would you like to stay a while Aqua? It looks like the rain is pouring much harder now. " I tilted my head to see the rain pouring 2x heavier than before. He nodded as I invited him inside. We took off our shoes as we entered the door. I walked to the kitchen as I saw a note. "Aqua you can have a seat in the living room " I said as he replied with an ok .


Dear Akane,

I'm going to see your grandma and grandpa for a week. I know you have work and everything so I think or believe that you should alright. Just be sure to keep the house tidy and not die. If something comes up tell me. I'm your mother. - Mom


Reading this made me think of the time I almost suicide.......  Mom cares so much about me and I'll always cherish it.

"Aqua you know you can watch the Tv. Don't just sit there dummy. " I pouted as he just laugh. "Alright". I quickly ran  to my room to change out of my cloths so just a short and t shirt and walked back to the kitchen. I prepared tea for us while I heard him switching the channels or something.

"Unexpected... "Aqua x Akane✧༺♥༻✧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora