"You heard me." He pulled back from my ear. He raised his hand, a pocket knife open in-between his white fingers. "I said, scream." He purred.

My eyes widened as I realized what he meant. Quickly, he pressed it right above where my collarbone was. I gasped, feeling the coolness of the knife trace my skin. He moved it up, but every second he pressed down a bit harder and harder. I opened my mouth catching my breath as he looked down at me, satisfied at the pain in my eyes. I felt a shallow slit open up on the skin of my neck, the air stinging my exposed inner flesh. I felt the sharp pain of it as it sawed through a layer of nerves, and tore a small valley into my neck. My eyes widened, a cry trying to escape my mouth.

"Oh come on, I know that hurts." He sensed in a hushed tone.

I closed my eyes, trying to hide the tears he was causing. I heard an irritated grunt come from his throat as he took it off of my skin, letting me breathe a bit. I wasn't about to open my eyes and face him, but I felt the cold silver caress the skin of my wrist.

"I just want a little yelp at least.." He soughed, a touch of playfulness in his soft voice.

"Stop it." I said, my voice cracking under the pressure of cries in my lungs. "Please."

I pleaded, a tear falling from my eyelashes as I refused to look at him. I felt him remove the knife from my wrist, and I heard it shut. I opened my eyes, hopeful. I looked up at him, his face displeased. He took his hands off of my wrists, letting them fall to my side. Out of instinct, I shoved him trying to flee.

"I don't think so." He snarled still a bit tipsy.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and flung me to the side, making me slam onto an old, rusty convertible. I groaned in pain as I landed on the ground, my eyes closing with the intense pain in my shoulders.

"Fuck.." I muttered, trying to pull myself off of the ground.

I heard him as he stomped over, his boots clanging against the cement. He rested the top of his foot on my shoulder and pushed, making me fall back down.

"So disrespectful and selfish you are." He growled down at me.

"What?" I replied, looking back up at him in disbelief. "Selfish? Who the fuck do you think you are?" I yelled at him, trying to muster up courage.

"All I wanted was just a little yell, a cry- and you wouldn't even give me that?" He laughed mockingly. "You have too much pride.."

I was in awe, looking at him with my mouth agape.

"Oh don't look at me like that.." His frown turned to a sinister grin. He grabbed the neck of my shirt and slammed my head against the car once more.

It all went too fast, I didn't even have time to react or push him off.

"Shit!" I cried.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me against him. I felt hi sharp jewelry poke against the cut on my neck, making me bite my tongue as I tried not to give him to pleasure of noise.

"Get off of me!" I tried to shake him off, but he just grabbed me tighter.

"Oh, don't be like that." He demanded, sass in his tone. "I'm just messing with you."

His hands traveled down my back, messing with the hem of my pants.

"Stop it!" I yelled, tears in my eyes once again. God, I felt like such a baby.

My hands were trapped in-between us, becoming stiffer the more he moved. He glided his fingers around to the front, and laughed.

"Just play with me." He purred into my ear.

"Fuck you!" I yelled, my hand coming up and grabbing the first thing I saw.

I felt something in-between my fingers, and I pulled.

"Shit!" He screamed, falling off of me.

I looked at him as he fell back, ass-to-ground, and held onto is face as he whispered something in German, audibly enraged. I looked down at my fingers that now had his blood on it, and I was pretty sure it was his eyebrow ring. I scrambled back against the car, using the hood to pull me to my feet. My head was pounding, and the swift movement made me faint. I gripped on, and groaned as my fingers rubbed one of my temples.

"Shit." I began to whisper to myself, only to be interrupted by a body-slam.

"Fuck!" He yelled as he rammed himself against me, pushing me back onto the ground with him on top of me.

"You thought that was funny? Huh?" He screamed into my face, wrapping his hands around my neck. But this time, he squeezed.

I couldn't answer, his grip restrained my vocal chords not allowing them to move. My eyes widened, my hands coming up from my sides scratching and hitting at his back.

"Bill!" I tried to choke from under his grip.

My head began to throb and my ears began to ring with each passing moment, every second feeling closer to being my last. I looked at his neck, and faintly through his hair I saw the same scar representing a T.

"That hurts, huh?" He smiled, his eyes furious as blood dripped down from his eyebrow into one, and down his face onto mine.

I felt his blood fall onto my lip as I struggled to breathe.

"Bill?" I heard a small female voice call from behind us. "Baby what are you doing?" She asked, her perky voice going up an octave with curiosity.

I beat my hand against his back, trying to get him off of me as I choked under him.

"Oh my god!" She called, her voice getting closer as I heard the thump of her feet as she ran.

I felt small, soft hands reach for mine, and through my dark, blurry vision I vaguely made out deep red hair waving around my face.

"Fuck off Katie, go back to the car." I heard him snarl over me through my ringing ears.

"Bill, get off of her." She pleaded, her hands cupped around mine as I beat on his back.

"Fuck!" He yelled, picking my head up and slamming it down in rage. He pushed himself off of me, and stood up.

I groaned, coughing up a bit of blood. I saw her sit over me, and I tried to look at her as she looked up at him.

"Get the fuck out of here!" He demanded, murder sounding his voice.

I saw the side of her face, how she looked. I made out her sharp jaw, the way her long, red hair flowed over her shoulder and onto my chest, her nose, lips. I closed my eyes, beginning to feel a bit tired.

"Okay." She sighed. I felt her stand up, and I heard her wince as he grabbed her.

"walk back to the station, I can't even look at you." He growled.

"I'm sorry." She said, softly.

I heard her begin to trail off, and I heard the heavy breathing of Bill as he stood over me.

"You bitch." He said down at me. "Gorgeous little bitch." He whispered.

I heard the thud of his thick boots as he walked away, leaving me there immobilized on the ground.

I didn't deserve this.. did I?


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