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Hey! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy this next installment. *Sobs*

Something Wicked Part IV – Trigger

B was now eleven years old, a stretched-out form of himself, tall, lanky and face obscured by a mesh of inky hair. He had assumed a rather languid appearance, rarely showing any kind of emotion, instead reserving these unnecessary additions for show, for A and for the scores of people in glasses who came to visit him and observe his skills. The intelligence testing and detective work had thinned out- to his disappointment- and was now replaced by something he hated… Psychologists, psychiatrists, anyone sent in to make sense of what chaos was in his skull. All he did was talk! Talk and answer endless questions.

A, now a wiry, ruffled thirteen-year-old, seemed to be the only one who understood. Still best friends, in his opinion, they were rarely apart. It was a small source of comfort in such a world, but the numbers above A’s head made B’s heart contract with dread each time his eyes wandered upwards.

On this day, all the children had been gathered in the living room, cross-legged on the floor- except for A and B, who stood at the back, hands in pockets. A pushed the spectacles further up his nose and smiled down at B, who switched on the grin. They turned and stared at Wammy in wait.

“We have a very special guest with us today,” Wammy said, a glimmer in his eye, “And a special few will receive the opportunity to speak alone with him.”

“Who is it?” B demanded.

Wammy chuckled. “L.”

The air around the room seemed to change. Nothing was said for a short while, as several children’s eyes widened in excitement. They tapped each other and grinned their early grins, and eventually burst into chatter and hysterics.

“L, the real L! He’s actually here!”

“They say he’s the greatest detective that ever lived.”

“I heard he’s solved every case ever!”

“I can’t wait to see him!”

B nudged A and smirked. “I bet it’s us that are going to meet L. I bet you. I bet you anything,” he said, trying to hide his delight. Not at meeting an honourable person… but at testing his own intelligence against L’s. This would be a very interesting experiment.

A nodded, but looked doubtful. “Maybe. Maybe you, but not me.” The numbers above his head gave a whirl and B’s Adam’s Apple bobbed nervously.

Sure enough, A and B were selected out of the fifteen or so children who were there. Amidst the outraged cries and heckles, B dragged A through the jeering crowd of their peers and escaped out the door with a thrilled Wammy, who complimented them both on their superior intelligence that permitted them to be the two who may succeed L and meet him in person.

Feet stamping on the dusty corridor floor, B’s eyes wheeled around, his ordinary energy given an extra boost by today’s news. L… that detective that A so admired. A would spend hours quizzing Wammy, asking anything he could about the legendary detective- at least, in the beginning. He seemed more solemn and lonely now. L had been the source of B’s curiosity and anger for almost four years now. If L was a detective, he would have to prove he was better.

“L is in here,” Wammy said with a warm smile. B nodded and bounced excitedly- though not as high as he once had- and A smiled gently.

B strode to the door and opened it without knocking. Without a care in the world, he sauntered in and planted himself on the floor, cross-legged, and signalled for A to come too. After A had joined him on the floor, they were both able to see L in his entirety.

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