Chapter 593 - Before the sun comes up (5)

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The gazes focused on Cale as he headed down from the platform were extremely heated.

But Cale didn't look at those people.

"I leave it to you, ma'am."

Heo Sook Ja, who was walking up the stairs to the platform as Cale walked down, gave a short response.

Heo Sook Ja walked past Cale with Ma Seung Jin and one of her subordinates behind her.

"It's nothing. I should be thanking you. I'll take care of the rest."

She then added on.

"...Our dearest Commander-nim."

Cale stopped walking and looked toward Heo Sook Ja.

Heo Sook Ja smiled when they made eye contact and continued to walk.

Ma Seung Jin, who was following behind her, gently elbowed Cale's arm with his elbow as he started to speak.

"You looked cool."

He then walked past Cale as well.

Heo Sook Ja started to speak once she made it up the platform.

"My name is Heo Sook Ja and I am responsible for the defense here at the Seomyeon, Busan shelter. Everyone who wishes to participate in this battle against the unranked monster, please come this way!"

The gazes that had been on Cale moved to Heo Sook Ja.

Cale watched this for a moment before starting to walk once again and headed out of the auditorium. Choi Han followed behind him.

There was someone standing at the entrance of the auditorium to greet him.

"Rok Soo, that was a great speech."

It was Lee Soo Hyuk.

Cale stared at Lee Soo Hyuk, who was leaning against a pillar and looking at him with his arms crossed, and started to speak.

"Where's Park Jin Tae?"

Lee Soo Hyuk still had black gloves on.


The corners of Lee Soo Hyuk's lips started to go up.

"Jin Tae is with Senior Kang."

That meant that Park Jin Tae was beaten to a pulp and had to be carried over to Doctor Kang's for treatment.

Lee Soo Hyuk nonchalantly added on.

"I'll see him again when he wakes up."

Cale started to think after hearing that.

'He really is getting beaten up properly.'

Lee Soo Hyuk added on with a stoic expression at that moment.

"Jin Tae also said, 'see you later,' before he fainted."

Cale had a thought about this as well.

'Park Jin Tae really is a crazy bastard as well.'

Lee Soo Hyuk laughed once more as he continued to speak.

"Wouldn't it be great if both Jin Tae's mind and body developed right now?"

Cale, who could sense the vicious meaning behind those words, calmly responded.

"That sounds great."

Lee Soo Hyuk watched Cale respond as if he was hearing about strangers before he started to speak again.

"...You've been through a lot."

He was not talking about giving the speech; he was talking about all the things Cale had to face up until now.

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