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Bucky Barnes stood in his complex's elevator his go bag in hand. He was still in his uniform; his feet are tired. All he wants to do is go home. Holding her in his arms, burying himself in her hair as she kisses his neck lightly. The elevator dings and he sigh in content exhaustion.

He could hear Alpine meowing, making him chuckle to himself. An image of his girl cooking at the stove and Alpine begging on the floor. No matter how much she shushes the poor cat they just keep meowing.

Bucky brings out his key and goes for the lock till it opens on its own. His heart started to beat; it was so sudden how his contentment turned to worry. He sat the bag down and pulled out his gun. Entering the apartment hesitantly, "Y/n?" He called gingerly looking into every crevice a person could stuff themselves into. "Baby?" He calls again, the silence was eating him alive.

He walked down the hall walking to their bedroom praying that she had her headphones on. Silently praying she was safe. He gently opened the door and froze. Everything was knocked around, a pool of blood on the ground. Y/n laid on the floor, blood flooded out of her abdomen. Hair covering her beautiful face. "No!" He gutted out, falling to his knees in front of her. He shakily pushed the hair out of her face.

Her blushed cheeks now ash, he leaned down hesitantly and put his hear to her lips. He couldn't hear anything, his body went numb, he couldn't feel her breath. He checked her pulse, still. "No, no please no." He begged, "Please wake up." He sobbed bringing her limp body into his lap. "Please baby wake up. I need you."

He sobbed into her neck, holding her tight, hoping that somehow, someway that he can have this one thing. That he can just have one thing he loved stay. "Please God, please I know I deserve this...But she...She doesn't, please!" He begged looking at the ceiling, screaming into the air. He looked down at her slowly, even in death she was perfect in his eyes.

His phone rang cutting the silence like a knife. Steves ID flashed; Bucky answered immediately not knowing what to do. "Hey?" Steve asked his anxious voice gutted Bucky more. "Steve," Bucky just barely whispered, his voice was a pathetic static. "What's wrong?"

"They killed her Steve. They went for the one thing they knew I needed." He growled, his veins running hot. "Oh God, where are you?"

"Home. They came into my home. They came to the one place she felt safe!"

"I'm on my way, they left the Hydra symbol on my front door. I think they were looking for you." He hesitantly said not want to make his friend, feel worse. "She's cold Steve. They left her here. She isn't warm." Bucky said absentmindedly leaning his head on her shoulder.

"We will make this right." Steve reassured but Bucky only shook his head. "The only way this will be right is if either me or the bastard that did this is in a grave." 

Bucky Barnes one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now