51 - Stopped World...

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Taehyung gave a nod in understanding. The station broadcasting their drama stopped it midway when Sana's scandal broke out and now this new information is gonna harm it even further. Even though Yoongi will never blame Taehyung or Jungkook for it, still It'll be disappointing to see all their hard work going down the drain.

Jungkook's phone rang next and it was Hoseok, informing about the same thing. According to him, public opinion on Jungkook is divided while Taehyung is taking the heat from all sides.

Jimin came back after a few minutes and he was on a call with their PR head. Taehyung had been under bad press light for a while now and even though the pregnancy allegations were proven false, the backlash it created somewhat lingered. This accusation of breaking up two star-crossed lovers on top of it is nothing less of a PR nightmare.

Jungkook listened to Jimin's call, as at one point, it was put on speaker, and he and Taehyung joined too. Jimin already informed them that the PR manager of Jungkook's agency and Hoseok are being looped into the conversations as well. Both agencies were handling this issue as a united front. Plans were being formed, discussing pros and cons of each of the available options. And the one thing they all agreed on, was that the timing of it is extremely unfavorable to both artists.

Taehyung could see the dilemma in Jungkook's eyes, and the frustration that accompanied it. To be honest, he himself was tired of having to walk on eggshells like this. But as public figures, both he and Jungkook understood very well that privacy is something that's hard to come by in the entertainment industry.

Both companies agreed to remain silent about the dating rumors but Taehyung's agency confirmed about him being admitted to the hospital. Bang Si-Hyuk and Im Nayeon had hoped to gain public sympathy toward Taehyung by this but unfortunately, it had the complete opposite effect.

Half the people called out on the agency's ploy to manipulate public opinion and called them unethical. The other half, and even the people who were skeptical about the dating rumors earlier, took the news as an unintentional confirmation of the same. If one part of the news is correct, then it makes sense for the rest of it too.

Everyone watched in dismay as Taehyung and Jungkook took the biggest hit on their careers so far. It got to a point where the broadcasting stations found it unwise to air anything that they were in. Stores had to pull out any merchandise that either Jungkook or Taehyung endorsed, to avoid the risk of the public boycotting.

The PR teams of both agencies could not understand the intensity of the hate that has been directed towards their artist. Even though the dating scandal was true, it was their own business. It didn't make sense for the public to react this badly. That is, until they got the wind of an anonymous campaign fueling the fire.

That was when they knew that someone was intentionally doing this. And it didn't take a genius to figure out who.



Jungkook turned around at that soft call, and saw Hoseok looking at him with concerned eyes. "Yes, hyung?"

"How are you holding up?"

"Not good." Jungkook sighed. "I don't like lying. Especially to my fans."

"I know."

Hoseok really did know that. He knew how hard Jungkook tried to be truthful and honest to his fans. It must be eating his mind to be forced to lie like this. But they all agreed that this was the best thing to do, given the circumstances.

The door opened and a staff member poked his head in. "We are ready when you are, Mr Jeon."

Jungkook sighed again, before getting up from his chair. He quickly gave a once over his clothes through the mirror, and walked out.

The moment he stepped into the room for the press conference, the cameras started to flash like crazy. He's used to the blinding light over the years and was able to smile beautifully, despite not being able to see who's there clearly.

Hoseok guided him to the table on a slightly elevated stage, where about a dozen mics were already set up. Jungkook could identify most of the logs on them, it seemed like all the big broadcasting stations were there to represent.

"Hello, everyone. I hope you guys are doing well. What a week, right?"

A chorus of answers and chuckles rang through the room, before it fell silent again. Except for the sounds of shutter, as the people tried to capture Jungkook's every single expression.

"Well, I suppose I should get right on to it. I'm here today.. uhh.."

Jungkook looked down at the paper in his hand. It was given to him by the head of the PR team in his agency, which had articulated what needs to be said. He was supposed to just read it out.

But as Jungkook read the next few lines, he felt something get clogged up in his throat. He was aware of the increase in the camera flashes, feeding on his conflicted face.

"I'm here today to give an explanation on the rumors that were circulating in the past week. I want to confirm that there is no romantic relationship between me and Kim Taehyung. We are simply good friends and I request the press to-"

That's what he had to say. He went through it a few times, until the words didn't feel like spitting out razor blades, slashing into his tongue on their way out. But now, even after all that practice, the words simply refuse to come out.

Jungkook picked the water glass on the table and drank almost half of it. He knew it'll look bad, and one of the instructions he got was to look confident.

Yeah, right. Look confident as he lies through his teeth. Should be a piece of cake, given that he has some experience as an actor after all. Jungkook looked up and gave another smile to the reporters.

"I'm sorry. Let's start this again, shall we? I'm here today to give an explanation on the rumors that were circulating in the past week. I want to confirm that-"

Suddenly, there was a commotion across the room, making Jungkook stop what he was about to say. There was a small cluster of people, with cameras aimed at someone in the middle. But Jungkook couldn't see who it was.

That is, until the crowd cleared a bit.

Kim Taehyung, on a wheelchair pushed by Jimin.

Jungkook watched with shocked eyes as the manager pushed the wheelchair right up to the stage. Then one of the assistants gave a pair of crutches to Taehyung, who used it to walk on the small stage.

As Taehyung walked near Jungkook's chair, who was still sitting due to being too shocked, he lost his footing a bit and staggered. Jimin was the closest but before he could offer and help, Jungkook was out of his chair, to hold Taehyung up securely by his arms.

"Hey." Taehyung whispered, with a small smile dancing on his lips.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Can't let you face the world alone. I promised it'll always be us against them right?"

Jungkook felt his breath hitch, when Taehyung raised his hand and pushed Jungkook's hair out of his eyes a bit. The camera flashes seemed like a constant light, with how many times they're being photographed. "T-tae?"

"It's okay, baby. We got this."

With that, Taehyung walked towards the table and sat on the second chair that had been put up just for him. Jungkook slipped on to his original chair, with his heart beating for a thousand times per minute.

"Hi everyone, hope you guys excuse me for interrupting." Taehyung smiled brightly at the responses, saying it was okay. "You see, I just couldn't let Jungkook handle things alone. That's not what a good fiance should do, right?"

And the world stopped right there..

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