Rin and The Cave

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Having been walking a few weeks since the first village they saved, they had saved five more villages from attacks from bandits or demons. They came a crossed a nice village with a mansion at the top of the hill. Having been recognized they were summoned up to the mansion, where they met the young lord and his fiance. Rin and Shippo were walking around while the others spoke, Rin hated to sit still when she could be out looking for Sesshomaru. She was deep in thought, on if Sesshomaru would like the older her and her choice to have help from a demon to live as long as him. When Shippo had asked her a question, she paused in her foot steps, and looked at him 

"I'm Sorry, what?" She looked at him with a lost expression and he sighed, but gave her a smile.

"They said we will be staying over there, want to go check it out?" he pointed in the east wing direction and she nodded, smiling at him as she hopped off the deck. They walked over to the nicely developed hut they were giving for the night. Feeling the wind blowing her hair and kimono about on her ankles, Rin stopped in her tracks as the cave's entrance came to view some ways away. "That must be the place that's creeping the villagers out" Shippo said as he noticed where she was looking.

"That place as an odd feeling even from here, no wonder the villagers are creeped" she told him then they continued on to the hut.

Rin couldn't help but be restless the whole time, she and Shippo decided to walk up to the cave. Rin was drawn to it for some reason she could not explain but Shippo was still creeped out. They turned as the group caught up to them

"Hey sorry we couldn't sit still" Rin told them as they finally reached them. Inuyasha spoke first

"Yeah I understand that" Kagome sighed then explained the situation

"They claim weird noises coming from it at night, some villagers disappeared during the night. They think a demon is taking them inside" she stretched then added "I think if we send Rin and Inuyasha in to check it out first now, we can get set up in the hut then get information from the villagers" Rin nodded.

"Ok I like that plan" she said, she followed him into the cave, Sango and Kirara ended up coming along with them. Rin summoned a little light flicker to relieve some of the darkness, she looked around then paused, running her fingers on the cool cave wall. "Turn Left Inuyasha, Sango you guys go right, I feel something in all directions" she explained and they nodded. They separated and Rin went toward the bigger sense, she crept up closer as she commanded the flicker to disappear. Coming to the corner she peeked around it, she stared at this big pulsing muscle like blob against a cave wall. 'well that's new' she thought to herself then jerking back against the wall as the thing had an eye open. Hearing heavy foot steps she took off, using the air so she didn't make a sound as she did, she almost smacked into Inuyasha and Sango as they came out their ways with a hand full each of the missing villagers. Breathing heavy she whispered "We have to leave now" and they nodded and everyone took off out of the cave.

Before they could run out a huge sound was heard that shook the cave, Rin turned to see a huge demon with a club against the wall, She thrusted her hands out summoning water and air to wash and fling everyone out but the rocks came down before she could get out. She did however blind the beast so she could hide, to figure out a plan.

She listened for the beast, quiet, she tried her earth magic but it didn't work. She sighed then peeked out of her hiding place, she saw nothing then stepped out, keeping a watch for movements. She crept quietly close to the caves wall, hoping it'd cover her well, and then she felt the earth within leading her somewhere. As she continued her way through the caves maze she found another lit room, she peeked inside to find a man caged. 'wait...hes a demon' she thought to herself then looked around before walking over to the cage.  As she walked over to the cage, she for a split second thought Sesshomaru but sadly no and even if it was he wouldn't have been captured so easily by the lowly demon that's in here. But he was handsome, she'd give him that, he just wasn't Sesshomaru. She got over her disappointment and whispered.

"Hey want help?" He looked at her in surprise then spoke back.

"Yes if you'd please" She was startled at the niceness but she quickly unlocked the cage then took off back to the room entrance to hide in the darkness there as the sound of the huge beast was heard coming their way. Was letting that guy out a good idea she thought to herself while she hid, she was startled that the demon was right by her as the beast came into the room. Only a second later did it roar so loudly it caused the place to shake.

Rin stayed as quiet as she could as the beast ran by them causing her to lose her balance, she fell behind a bolder then the Demon helped her stand up.

"The names Letoki" He said in a whisper and she began walking to find their way to the main entrance where Inuyasha and them should be trying to find away in.

"Rin" she whispered back, followed her as they crept through the cave paths trying to stay away from the beast and the creepy muscled thingy. "I can't use any of my powers in here..." she explained as they came to the four way, that happened to have two huge beasts blocking the way as they looked for them. He looked around then whispered.

"It's this place, I can't use my powers either, so let's think like humans. How would they defeat huge beasts?" he asked and she thought for a moment, other then cower in fear and hide, she got it. She pointed at the broken pieces up on the ceiling then at the big rock he could throw at it, he nodded understanding what she wanted. He took the rock then getting in a good position used all his strength and threw it, smacking the huge pieces just right that they fell landing on the two beasts heads knocking them down. He grabbed for another rock, quickly throwing it smacking more pieces and this time knocking them out, they ran for it till they came to the opening which was closed up with falling rocks. She can hear Inuyasha and them working on the entrance, she began moving rocks and so did he. 

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