Chapter 9

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Sorry for the wait RL is kicking my ass

Special thanks to Gluten-Free-Okami for beta-reader

Chapter 9

Izuku froze as he looked at Stein's limp body. Their black blood makes it hard for them from to bleed out, but black and blue bruises are all over their body.

"Nomu," The monster perked up as Shigaraki growled, "Rip them apart." Nomu grabbed Crona's leg and arm and pulled them. He's got to-

Izuku leaps forward towards the monster. He can't let Stein get killed!

"GET AWAY FROM THEM!" He shouted and unleashed his quirk into his fist. He slammed it into Nomu's shoulder and...his arm didn't break? He looked in amazement. It didn't break!

His eyes widened.

Nomu was unharmed, didn't even flinch, and smacked him away. Izuku was thrown across the pavement like a rag doll.

"Midoriya!" Tsuyu cried out. She rushes over to Izuku's side and helps him up.

"Thanks, Tsu-!" Izuku clings to Tsuyu as she suddenly jumps. Izuku saw from below that Shigaraki rushed up to them with his arm outstretched. He was fast! Shigaraki glared at them as Tsuyu hopped away. Once they were close to the forest again Tsuyu let him off. Izuku and Tsuyu look at Shigaraki warily as he in return sizes them up. Nomu ignored them and went back to slowly tearing apart Crona. Izuku and Tsuyu have to act fast but...

Shigaraki eyes them, putting himself between them and Stein. Izuku needs to come up with a plan and fast. Nomu isn't going to wait forever.



A wall of ice creeps onto the scene and freezes half of Nomu's side. Causing it to drop Stein onto the floor.

"Midoriya! Tsuyu!" Izuku turned to see Shoto running toward them, "Don't just stand there! Grab Stein!" That snapped Izuku into action. Both he and Tsuyu ran, we in Tsuyu's case hopping, towards Crona's limp body.

Shigaraki stepped between them.

"Like hell, I would let you get past me!" He growled and charged at them. Tsuyu jumped high into the air and Izuku got an idea. He remembers how All Might uses his quirk on his fingers to snap and blow people away. Thinking quickly while Shigaraki was paying attention to Tsuyu for a split second.



A gust of wild from the pressure of his attack blew Shigaraki away. But in the process, Izuku broke his fingers. He bit back the pain and continued forward. He had to get to Crona. They need medical attention. Tsuyu was already there helping Stein up. Izuku rushes to their other side to help her lift Stein.


Izuku felt his blood turn cold at the noise. Nomu broke out of the ice but lost an arm and leg. It looks at them with those blank eyes and regrew its limbs back.

"M-midoriya we need to leave now." Tsuyu stuttered and momentarily snapped Izuku out of his fear.


But Izuku was once more frozen in fear. Nomu was standing right above them.

"Kill them!" Shigaraki hissed and Nomu raised its fist.


The doors burst open, and out from the resulting dust of cloud came All Might. Izuku smiled at the sight of his hero. Until he notices one thing.

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