With her makeup light but still looking beautiful she sat on the couch waiting for him while helping Papa finish up the last of his assignments.

The door bell ringing took her attention away from what they were doing as she went over to open up the door. "Hey Blue you look good."

The girl in question immediately blushes red at the compliment, "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." Who am I kidding, he looks amazing!

Even in just plain jeans and a white tee, Blue still couldn't help but swoon. Her mind running with questions of why Kiki got to date him??

"Mama, Mommy I'm going out now!" Blue calls over her shoulder to which Onika comes in with Sir by her side yapping about God only knows what.

"Sure. Oh hi King."

"Good day ma'am." He smiles back politely, "Hi Sir, Papa."

Sir just turns and gives him a curt nod before continuing on with what he was saying whereas Papa goes to wave over exaggeratedly "Hello!"

"Inside voice Papa." Nicki scolds making him mutter a quiet apology.

Blue just shakes her head at her family as she follows King out the house and to his car where his driver sat waiting for them.

He'd been trying to get his driver's licence but his dad declined stating he'd have to wait till eighteen first.

He opens the car door for her, watching her get in before getting in himself.

"So where are we going exactly?" Blue asks giddily but tries hiding it. She knew they were just going on a strictly friends outing but she couldn't help but imagine it being an actual first date.

"You'll see when we get there."

Blue wasn't having it but then again she didn't want to ruin the surprise for herself so she just sat and awaited to see their destination.

Not too long later and the car pulls up before an arcade?

"You love playing games. I love playing games so I thought we'd have a little arcade date."


He obviously didn't mean it in any other way but friendly but that still didn't stop the little butterflies dancing around in her stomach.

"Let's go shall we?"



"... Highest score wins."

"What's the stakes?" Blue asks already holding on to one of the balls as they stood before the basketball game.

"Loser buys the winner a milkshake."

"You're on!"

They start the game and King ended up scoring almost all the goals with Blue only managing to get two into the basket- I mean you'd expect the basketball team player to win over the barely athletic girl.

"No fair you play basketball and I don't." Blue pouts at her sore loss.

"You didn't say that before we started playing." King chuckles coming over to where she went to take a seat. "But if it hurts you soo much I'll get the milkshakes."


"Stop jubilating you baby." And then King goes over to get them the milkshakes leaving Blue sitting there, smiling all giddy.

Honestly, Blue didn't know what she had expected to see on Monday. But seeing Kiki and King all cuddled up again just left her pissed.

She didn't like their relationship at all..

They had barely even acknowledged her the whole day. Not even showing up to the cafeteria during lunch break which ultimately left her sitting there alone and feeling even worse.

Although King did greet her in the morning that still didn't help the fact that they hadn't come to have lunch with her. It made her feel like a third party in their relationship. The whole two's a company, three's a crowd kinda thing.

Do they not wanna hang out with me anymore?

Am I disrupting their relationship?

Am I a burden?

The same few questions kept rotating in her mind for the rest of the day.

She had stopped the whole over thinking thing for a long time now but couldn't help the fact that she felt immensely terrible right about now.

And by the time the school day was over all she really wanted to do was get the hell away from the building.

"Hey Blue wait up!"

Even at the familiar voice. The stupid familiar voice she'd gotten to like so much over the years she hadn't stopped moving in the direction of the doors to her freedom from this hell hole.

"I... I know you.. you heard me calling you." King breathes out crouching over to catch his breath a little. They were outside the schools building now.

For such an unathletic person she sure did move fast.

Blue didn't even answer him and acted like she hadn't seen him. "You okay?" He asks trying to touch her shoulder but she immediately shrugs his hands off her.

"Leave me alone."

"Huh?" He asked confused at the hostility in her words.

"I said leave me be. Just go. I don't want you here."


"Fucking go!"

King slowly takes a few steps back at that, not really sure what he did wrong, "I'm not really sure what's going on right now but you can talk to me if anything's bothering you, okay?" He says not waiting for a reply as he jogs away from her, looking back one last time before he finally disappears from sight.

"You're bothering me."


(1500+ words)





Their 'date'?

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