18) V-neck.

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"We need to talk..."

I sent this message to Bright while I was flying back home. I think I'm missing something and it'll cost me when I don't make a follow-up early.

"Sure! Location?"

" Anywhere!"

He sent the address ASAP. It was only few hours on the plane and after I landed, I didn't go to the mansion. I had to meet Bright right away and talk things out. I don't clearly remember the last time Bright and I had a real conversation like the one I'm going to have today. I'm doing it all for Gulf!

"Seriously? Out of all places?"

I wondered.

"U said anywhere..."

We were sitting in a stripping club.

" We can't have a real conversation in this environment. This is a big joke!"

" U wanna talk or not?"

I knew this was going in a wrong side so I had to calm my temper. I wonder how Gulf managed to cope with him!

" Okay, I know we don't get along so well but can we try just for today? "

" B'se ur needy?"

I sighed. He's getting to my nerves.

"C'mon dude! I was just fucking u!"

Bright spoke while laughing so hard.

"Fucking me?"

"I mean, I was messing with u man!"

He kept laughing at my pissed face. I had to wait until he was done laughing

"Ur serious face is funny as hell man! C'mon now, I reserved a VVIP for us..."

He spoke while leading the way.

I spent time with Bright, talking and asking endless questions about his closeness with Gulf. I came to realize Gulf was like a sibling to him. He took care of Gulf when I wasn't there for him b'se just like I, Gulf passed through alot as well after finding out about his parent's murder. He was scared to face me b'se he knew I could hate him for what he did to my mom so Bright here made sure that Gulf was doing alright.

Kinda jealous in that part.

"U owe me big time for taking care of ur troublesome boyfriend. He's the reason why my boyfriend is sulking at me b'se Gulf has been too clingy to give me enough space with my boyfriend!"

" U have a boyfriend?" I wondered

" What! Does my face scream single?"

He spoke with a smirk. I chuckled.

" U never posted the lucky guy!"

" Wait, u hacked my private account?"

I faked a cough. Kinda embarrassed!

" I knew u could fall for it! But Mew, if u loved Gulf that much, why didn't u find time to settle issues with him?"

" I was too scared to face him. I thought he could hate me forever after finding out what my mom did to his parents!"

" So u both worried of eachother huh!"

I breathed a laugh. Some part of me felt relieved after having this conversation with Bright. He's an easy-going person.

"I wonder why I used to hate u!"

"B'se u always complicate things Mew!"

Bright complained.

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