"Maybe a lamp?" Answered Miss Chalice.

"Hmmm... how about we go there, because I also really wondering about that light." Said Len as he came to the tunnel.

"I hope there's nothing happened there.." said Mugman.

"I also hope too.." replied Sora.

The seven of them were going through the tunnel that lead them to the left. Many of them look around the tunnel which is also have a glowing blue walls and ceilings. "Seeing this tunnel, makes me feel like I was in the fantasy world." Said Ayumi.

"Y-yeah." Said Sora, as the kids turned to the left, it was revealed to be a room with a square white light on the wall which is facing to the tunnel, and the glowing blue walls and ceilings. The kids were surprised by the portal itself.

"W-wait i-is that a portal?" Asked Sora.

When Len came closer to the portal,  he suddenly felt familiar with the portal. "Wait a minute... that portal..." this causing him to having a flashback that happened long time ago

(Flashback 1)
As Len and his friends entered the room that filled with a glowing blue and purple walls, which is located in the basement of an anonymous building, they saw a white light portal wall which is facing to the basement parking. Sora, Len, Ayumi, and Shiro were curious by what behind the portal, made them walked through the portal which is revealed to be an empty room, with a lamp that lights the whole room.

The five of them followed Cuphead through the ladder that take them to the manhole. As Cuphead and Mugman had arrived on the land, Sora felt curious about the manhole, so he opened it, and revealed to be Inkwell World.

(Flashback 2)
Len got injured that causing him to lying down, because of him struggling to fought Yurika. As he get up, he saw her attempted using her power to destroyed the old portal "Goodbye to this portal..." she said.

Len was shocked, he immediately ran to him and yelled "Nooo!!!" As he pushed her, from the left side, causing her power hitting the right corner of the portal. The portal got destroyed by Yurika's power, causing the room turned into an empty storage.

(End of Flashback)
"Wait a minute... this is actually an old portal which is supposed to be destroyed by Yurika" Said Len.

The other kids were shocked after hearing what Len just said. They were wondering if it's true that this portal was actually an old portal that located in the anonymous basement that got destroyed, while seeing the whole room, and the portal itself.

Suddenly, they began to felt familiar with the whole room and the portal, causing them realized the same thing that Len had said. They were felt curious of how is the old portal which is supposed to be got destroyed by Yurika, but suddenly appeared again.

"I think it's because the power that Yurika used, is could be not that strong. That's why the previous portal moved to this place." Explained Ayumi.

"Well.. uhh... maybe." Said Sora.

As Len walking passed the portal, he saw a beige room with two lamps on the ceiling, and a stairs to the up, with a trapdoor at the end of it. The room
Itself are also contains a table, a chair, and some shelf that hanging on the walls, with filled with some antic props.

"What a weird room tho.. I really wondering if this is actually the same Inkwell..." wondered Len.
He walked back to the real world and told his friends to came to the portal.

As they entered the portal, they were surprised by the room itself, for having a unique interior, thinking if this was some type of hidden bunker that was used to protect people in Inkwell from dangers. As they were looking around, they saw a stairs that lead to the upstairs of the room,  they were wondering about the upstairs, so he began to lead his friends to climbing the stairs.

As they reached the top, they saw a trapdoor, that seems to be lead them to the upper floor, so Len began to opened it until revealed to be an Inkwell Isle Forest in morning. Len surprised, and told his friends that they had arrived at the Inkwell. "Inkwell? Hoooraay!!! We're finally home, Mugsy!!" Excited Cuphead.

"Oh, I can't wait to see Elder Kettle." Replied Mugman.

"Well that means we don't have to ride an aero plane, just to entered the portal in Gotham city!" Replied Miss Chalice.

"I-I'm so glad you two could able to went home. After the previous portal got destroyed..." said Sora.

After the kids went outside the door, Cuphead and Mugman were running in the
forest find the Kettle cottage. While Sora, Len, Ayumi, Shiro, and Miss Chalice followed them from behind. Len felt relief after seeing the previous portal that got destroyed, causing Cuphead Mugman and Miss Chalice couldn't returned home to Inkwell through Japan, but appeared as it was moved place from the basement of the anonymous building.

Arrived in front of Elder Kettle's cottage, Cuphead and Mugman were knocking the door, while Sora, Len, Ayumi, and Shiro followed them, as they were going to arrived in front of the cottage. The door opened, and revealed to be Elder Kettle, "Oh, hello kids, how's your day in real world?" He asked to them.

"Elder Kettle!! Elder Kettle!! Guess what? We could able went home to this world, because there are two portals that could take us to real world!!" Excited Cuphead.

"But unfortunately, the first portal got destroyed by Yurika. Thankfully it got moved to another place in Japan." Said Mugman.

"Aww.. I am trully felt sorry about that. But thankfully you guys could able to returned to this world..." said Elder Kettle.

"Y-you're w-welcome, sir." Said Sora, Elder Kettle welcomed the kids to came in the cottage. As they entered, they heard a noise coming from the kitchen. The kids were surprised and scarred by the noise itself.

"E-Elder Kettle, what noise i-is that?" Asked Sora in nervous

"See by yourself." Said Elder Kettle, they were confused by him, so they came to the kitchen, and surprised after they saw Bruce who was making a tea. The kids were surprised in happiness, causing them to cane to him.

"Bruce! You're here!" Excited Cuphead as he hugged him through his right leg. Bruce was surprised, for being hugged by a little cup, causing him to stopped making a tea.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Because I was taking a break from saving citizen of Gotham from a flood." He said, before he told Cuphead to let him go from his leg.

"Oh Bruce, I-I always thinking about you since I went home to Japan. Because I really hope that you gonna be okay in Gotham..." said Sora.

"B-but, th-thankfuly you're okay." Continued Sora.

"I'm also glad you are all okay." Said Bruce to the kids, before he continued to make his tea. The kids were smiled, after they were glad that Bruce was okay.

Suddenly he was stopped by Len who asked "Hey Bruce, guess what? You can go to Japan through a portal that also appeared in Inkwell too!" Said Len.

"Really? I thought there is only one portal to real world in Inkwell." He said.

"There is two portals actually, the first was portal to Japan, while the second was portal to Gotham." Said Miss Chalice, causing Bruce to a bit surprised, realizing that there is two portals to Inkwell that could take him to different regions in real world.

"Gosh, I must find those heroes in Japan to protect that portal." He thought

"Uhh Bruce, uhh... maybe someday you could c-come to Japan through the p-portal someday?"

"Well... maybe, I guess" answered Bruce.

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