Portal Reunion

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Here's a fan fiction that set after The Batman (2022), and set before The Penguin HBO series.

Fun fact: This fanfiction was based on the concept that was made in 2022

Warning: Bad grammar and (maybe) bad writing

It's been 5 days since Sora and his friends were in Japan, after helping Batman... Sora were hoping that Bruce and Selina will be fine when they were far away from him. Because seeing Selina left him and Bruce while Sora, Len, Ayumi and Shiro who must returned home to Japan, along with Cuphead, Mugman, and Miss Chalice who followed them to Japan.

This makes Sora to worried about two of them, because he afraid that something happened to them when they were far away from him. He thinking about them a lot, causing him often not focus on subjects every time he studied at school.

One day, in the evening, on Len's house, Sora was watching a film on Netflix with Cuphead, Mugman, Miss Chalice, and Shiro, while Ayumi was reading a web manga through her phone. Suddenly they were surprised by Len who calling them "Guys, there's a weird thing I found in my backyard!" He said.

Miss Chalice immediately paused the TV, as she and the others turned to Len "What is it Len?"

"There is uhh... a bunker entrance hidden in the backyard." Said Len.

"So I wanted you guys to come with me, I'll show you what does it looks like." He continued. Sora, and the others immediately took their bags, while Sora took his light green jacket as they follow Len to the backyard of his house.

As they came to the backyards, they were surprised after they saw what appears to be a bunker that located in Len's backyard. Shiro began to confused as he look at the bunker itself, he chirped in wondering to Len about that bunker he answered "I also wondering too, because yesterday... these yards are just grass.."

"But what more weirder is that my parents never seen this thing before." He said.

"Maybe because it was slightly hidden." Replied Ayumi.

"I kinda wondering what's behind this bunker?" Wondered Cuphead, Len began to carefully opened the bunker, to find out about under the bunker. When all ot sudden, he was stopping by Mugman who felt nervous as he said "Len, be careful. Because I'm afraid that there's gonna be a monster inside that bunker."

"Don't worry, Mugman. I'll do it carefully." Said Len, he continue to opened the mysterious bunker slowly, to avoid got injured. Once he opened it, inside the bunker was revealed to be a ladder with a tunnel with a glowing blue walls that light the whole tunnel.

Ayumi, Sora, Len, Shiro and Miss Chalice were fascinated by the bunker itself.

"What a nice looking bunker." Said Len

"Whoa! This bunker have a beautiful glowing paintings that make it able to glow in the dark!"  Said Cuphead,

"I really hope this bunker won't lure us to trapped us in there." Said Mugman.

"Y-yeah I also hoping that too." Replied Sora.

"So? What are we waiting for? C'mon!" Excited Len as he climb down the bunker, followed by Shiro who slowly flied down to the bunker. Sora and Ayumi felt wondering about the bunker with looking at each other, then began to climb down the bunker, followed by Cuphead and Mugman who also climb down, as Mugman closed the bunker door, while Miss Chalice turned into her ghost form and flew down, passing the bunker door. "I wonder where this ladder take us to?" Wondered Ayumi.

Cuphead looks around the bunker, and impressed by the bunker itself for having a glowing blue walls, while he was climbing down deeper to the bunker.

Arrived at the bottom of the bunker, while Miss Chalice turned back to her normal form, she and the other kids saw of what appears to be a tunnel that lead them to the left. The tunnel that lead to the left is also had a strange light in it. "A tunnel? Umm what light is that?" Wondered Sora.

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