Chapter 54

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"The headmaster has requested that we accelerate the timetable for your Occlumency training," said Snape dispassionately. "He wishes for you to focus time and attention on blocking out specific memories, rather than blocking out the Dark Lord's intrusions entirely."

Harry sat uncomfortably in a front-row desk as he listened to Professor Snape. He took in the man's words even as he did his best to focus on steadying his breathing. Running to make it to an Occlumency session on time in November had left him stressed mentally and physically out of breath, which led to his worst showing all term. Even though Harry had arrived at the Potions classroom ten minutes early this time, his nerves were still on edge.

"Your progress in the art of Occlumency thus far has been... uneven. You have displayed far more aptitude than I thought possible at times, then have regressed substantially in subsequent sessions." Snape paced back and forth in front of the blackboard, his face dour. "I think it probable that your mental shields will be tested sooner rather than later, and the headmaster agrees with my assessment."

Another long breath escaped Harry's lips as he willed his heart to remain calm. This was unsettling news, but it wasn't totally unexpected. Voldemort had been laying relatively low in the first few months since his return. With Fudge ousted and Minister Bones attempting to project strength, the Dark Lord and his followers had not been acting openly yet, but Sirius had assured Harry that there was a great deal happening behind the scenes.

Professor McGonagall narrowed her eyes as she stared at Harry from her seat in a chair she had conjured. "If they are correct, your mastery of protecting certain memories shall become even more crucial."

"Professor McGonagall has agreed to provide you with specific memories to protect from my attacks. Before each attempt, she will specify the memory or memories from which you will attempt to turn me away." Snape sneered as he stepped into his storage closet to give McGonagall a moment with Harry, even if it didn't reach the level of malevolence Harry expected the Potions Master.

"Alright, Mr. Potter," began McGonagall as she stepped closer to his desk so her voice could remain quiet. "I have three memories that I would like for you to protect. Each of them varies in terms of how familiar Professor Snape will be with them. The first is our memory of our first Occlumency lesson. Because you both experienced the event, it will be good practice for fending off incursions by an enemy like Voldemort, who could use the shared experience of your fight in the graveyard as an entry point into your mind."

Harry nodded slowly as his mind returned to his first lesson of Occlumency from the previous term. He was quite sure he'd rather not have Snape perusing his emotions and thoughts more generally, but Harry was certain that it wouldn't be ideal for Snape to know just how their interactions made him feel..

"The next memory for you to protect is that of our conversation after our foray into the Chamber of Secrets over the summer," said McGonagall thoughtfully. "Professor Snape was not privy to that conversation, though I daresay you might prefer for him not to be aware of your dalliance into the Slytherin Common Room. The added desire to keep that bit of knowledge from him should be an added incentive to repel his attack, though he would also be saddled with the reminder of the myriad ways you have excelled in fighting for others over the years. If he is going to be forced to see your inner thoughts, it may as well be from a moment when you displayed humility in the face of earnest praise."

She allowed a faint smile to grace her lips, but Harry was far too concerned with the possibility of Snape realizing that he'd gained entry into his house's restricted space to care much. If Snape realized that he, Ron, and Hermione had pilfered Boomslang skin from his personal stores to create Polyjuice Potion, the three of them would be in a world of trouble.

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