Chapter 4

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*after they went to their houses y/n was still thinking why he got so angry when she reads the paper with those names.. Is he hiding something from y/n?*

*after some more minutes she falls asleep on her bed, and at 4:02am got an notification from her phone, she wakes up and saw that kosta was calling her. And she responds*

Kosta - Don't go to school tomorrow

- why? I have an really important test to do tomorrow and I can't just skip school.

Kosta -  It's for your own safety. Don't come to
school tomorrow please.

- Are you okay? You seem very stressed

Kosta - I'm fine, just don't go to school tomorrow, because I'm gonna do som-.. *he stops talking*

- Fine.. I guess i won't come, but what if i get an F? It's ur fault!

Kosta - you won't have an F, I promise. But promise me that you won't come.

- I promise. Is that alright?

Kosta - yes. Were you sleeping? I'm so so so sorry if I waked you up but i wanted to tell you before you go.

- Yes I was sleeping, it's fine don't worry.

Kosta - Okay. Goodnight! Sleep well

- You tho! *y/n ended the call*

*after y/n ended the call, y/n puts her phone on the bedside on mute, and falls asleep again*

* y/n wakes up and saw that it's raining, y/n wasn't really bothered at this point but she just gets off the bed and walks to the bathroom, y/n rinses her face and then goes back to the bedroom, and then got on her phone*

*she saw some news with an school shooting but didn't look at it, so she didn't want to listen to kosta so she was going to school, she got dressed up and then go to school*

*when she arrived she saw so much people around the school, with police and ambulance, and when she wanted to enter the school an police officer stops her from entering the school*

Police Officer - M'am, you can't go in.
- Why? What happened here?
Police Officer - An school shooting was reported here, you can't go in before we know what happened.
- What? An school shooting? Who did that? Is there kids who died?
Police Officer - Sadly, yes. There are many kids who died.. We can't say who did it because he's an minor, and we need to respect his privacy.
- But i need to go in! Some of my friends are in school!
Police Officer - i said, you can't go in y/n. And.. What's ur friends name?
- Kosta?
Police Officer - *he remains in shock expression* Kosta?.. Kosta Kecmanovic?
- Yes? Why?..
Police Officer - he is the one who started the shooting. M'am, you need to come with us at the police station, right now.
- WHAT?.. fine i guess..

* Y/n and the Police Officers go to the police department, and put her in the office where 3 police officers we're in.*

Police Officer #2 - Tell us.. Are you friend with the boy, Kosta kecmanovic? Do you really talk to him? *Police officer #1 puts an camera on y/n*

- Why do you record?

Police officer #1 - it's obligatory, now tell us.

- Well.. We talk like everyday.. We know each other's for like 3 days!

Police officer #3 - and what's his behavior? Is he angry all of the time? Or he's just chilled?

- In my experience he's very quiet.. relaxed and calm, like he's very shy all of the time and i know that 1 months ago he was being bullied by my classmates!

Police officer #2 - So ur telling us that, he was bullied by ur classmates? And that he's not angry at all?

- Yes! He's an very good an intelligent person, I'm really really surprised that he did that.. He was just 14.

Police officer - And do you know who he killed? Well.. 11 people.

- WHA-..


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