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Trinity was taking a stroll in the neighborhood, vibing to some music.

Trinity: "I know Raven Brooks has many mysteries all around, but it does look beautiful in the evening. I guess it's the music that's mostly doing the job."

The energetic Trinity Bales skipped throughout the path, not know she was getting approached by someone.

???: Hey there. Whatcha..."

Trinity let out a scream, grabbed the person's hand and flipped the person over. When the distressed girl took a look at her dominated victim only to realize who she trounced with her strength.

Trinity: Enzo...Oh, my. I'm so sorry."

The bruised lad picked himself up with the help of Trinity and only gave her a smirk.

Enzo: "Eh, I'm use to worse activities."

As Enzo was brushing off the bits of gravel and dust from the sidewalk he noticed Trinitys earphones.

Enzo: "Sooo, whatcha doing out here?"

Trinity: "Out in the nature enjoying some music!"

Enzo: "Hey that's actually a good idea."

The two then to a look at the open fields. The sunset was doing its job on making the scenery so beautiful. Trinity knew that a moment like this needed to be embraced with her friend so she turned her attention to Enzo and proceeded to ask him something.

Trinity: "Hey Enzo."

Enzo: "Yeah?"

Trinity: "You know how to dance?"

Enzo was beyond astounded by that request. The poor lad was traveling in his own thoughts on the amount of times he's dreamed of this moment.

Enzo: "W-wellll, sorta. I mean-iI have picked up a few things...so-yeah."

Trinity: "Good to hear."

Enzo: "But if we're gonna do this, we need to find a more fitting scene. We wouldn't want to waltz our way to the eerie part of town."

Trinity: "Fair point. Besides, I wouldn't want leave one of the safest parts of the town. And that blasted Peterson or the mysterious crow guy are the last people I want to encounter and ruin the mood for me."

Once the two found a safe and secure area in the park, Trinity held Enzo's right hand while he held her waist. The two swayed down the park with a serene manner then they engaged in several styles of moves and so far there hasn't been any tripping or bumping into each other. They were deep within the music and calm scenery that they grooved each second with carefree, ignoring all their problems and cherishing the time they're spending together.

Trinity: "Wow. You know, you're definitely good at this. I really wasn't expecting that."

The charmed Enzo gave her another twirl and held her gently by the waist.

Enzo: "Well, usually whenever I'm in a calm state and at peace with myself, I tend to match my moves with the music. Almost like a game."

Trinity: "That's actually a pretty good explanation. Peculiar, but not a bad explanation."

As every minute of the duo's dance was slipping away, they wished that time could slow down but alas as the old saying goes: "time flies when you're having fun." As nightfall approached, Enzo was escorting Trinity to her home while they were both having another listen at their track.

Enzo: "Care to do that again tomorrow?"

Trinity gave him a hug and whispered: 

Trinity: "I would love that."

And with that, they both parted ways until the next day, the will meet again and resume where they left of.

Enzo x TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now