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She frowned a bit as she placed a hand over her left eye as she looked away from him. "I'm not that at all...I'm a mistake that shouldn't even survived this long."

Kanato got closer to her and took her hand away from her scared eye before he kissed the top of her hand. "Everyone was born for a reason, but I assure you, you aren't a mistake at all. You were born for a purpose you have yet to know about."

She looked back down at her bunny. "K-Kay."

Kanato then had an idea and gave her a toothy grin. "How about this, until we can find a way to get me back, if that's a possibility I can teach you what I know."

She looked to him with a raised eyebrow. "S-So y-you'll be my Senpai?" She asked curiously

He chuckled a bit. "If that's what you want to call me then sure."

She gave him a small smile before they went back inside and she showed him the book that she was reading out of which confused him. He didn't know anything about Pagan books. The book she read out of was a pagan book, he book marked the book for her and placed it away before he sat across from her. He talked to her about what she knew and what she didn't know before he took that night to help her with basics before she showed her where he was able to sleep that night. She then went to her own room where she curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

Even though she was happy to have a Senpai and someone to finally teach her what she needed, she didn't want to get close to him only for him to use her. She placed her face into her pillow as she fell asleep, when the next night came around she felt like she was being poked only to open her eyes to see that Kanato was sitting on her bed and was poking her face softly with his left pointer finger.

"Now you wake up. You sleep a lot for a girl." He commented

"I sorry senpai." She said sadly as she sat up yawning slightly covering her mouth as she did so.

He laughed a bit as she stretched out, how she looked was slightly funny to him. She stopped stretching as she heard him laugh.

"What's so funny Senpai?" She asked confused

"You, how you're acting compared to those whom I used to know. I find it entertaining how you're totally different than them, mind you its in a good way. But still its entertaining to see the way that you act around me." He said with a smile.

She blushed and looked down at her bunny shyly. She didn't know what to say in return to what Kanato had said to her.

After she brushed her hair she made something sweet for the both of them before he continued to teach her, this time something a bit more difficult, Karina questioned him a bit as he taught her what he did. But it didn't stop her from learning what she did from him. She was happy he was taking the time to teach her what he knew. This happened for months before one day while they were discussing something out of a history book that Kanato found multiple voices could be heard outside of the library out in the hall.

Karina felt slightly nervous about the fact that someone had come into her home until one of the people came into the library where she was with Kanato.

"Mom, I found her and she has someone with her!" The person said as they yelled out of the library.

Both of them looked to the person confused before Kanato looked to Karina. "Karina, you said your family left you here right?"

She nodded her head silently as she looked to him. He looked to the person who was still at the doorway before he looked to her.

"This might be a really bad assumption but I think that might be one of your siblings." Kanato said to her.

She furrowed her eyebrows for a second before she got up and she slowly went up to the person and tapped them on the shoulder.

"What do you want freak?" The female asked revolted at seeing her.

"A few things, one; who are you, two; how do you know me, three;why did you just call me a freak and Four, Can you please not yell like that. It hurts Bunny and I's ears." Karina said as she looked up to the female.

The Raven haired female rose an eyebrow at her. "You really are stupid. But since you have such shitty memory then Let me introduce myself to you...even though this is stupid. I'm your eldest sister Tasha, why I called you a freak is simple have you seen how you look as of late? You have pink hair and fucked up eyes. Especially since Marshall gave you that scar on your left eye."

Kanato got up and glared at the Raven haired female. "You really are a bitch to her aren't you? You leave your sister alone for many years and you expect her to remember you when you've been nothing but rude to her. You have some nerve to call yourself her sister." Kanato said as he pulled Karina behind him as he spoke

Karina looked up to Kanato shocked as she heard him speak. She blushed as she saw that he was protecting her.

Tasha rose an eyebrow at the male. "what are you her boyfriend or something? Psh, the freak doesn't deserve your damn pity or sympathy. Just leave her to own devices and be with someone else."

Karina frowned as she heard her sister talk and she pushed past both of them and hid herself within the building. Kanato glared at Tasha before he went to go look for her once again, just like he did when he first got to the strange place. As he went to look for her he saw her being cornered by two females and three males. They were all making her cry, She was on her knees crying into her hands as they all talked at once.

My Senpai[Kanato Sakamaki love story]Where stories live. Discover now