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Kanato Sakamaki was different from his brothers, from the way he acted to how he was genetically. He thought things very differently which made him seem more queer than his elder and younger brothers. He'd usually be found on a railing singing to his dead hearts content or somewhere with teddy doing whatever he pleased due to his brother's not wanting anything to do with him. Which was normal to him, he was used to not having anyone around him since he was a child, he was neglected as a child and even more so as years continued on his mother never really cared for him.

Just thinking about his past made him sad as he placed his face into the back of teddy; the only thing that his mother gave him just so he'd stop trying to kill himself. He didn't care about the reason behind the teddy, it came from his mother which made it special to him, he always carried it around with him after getting it. He adored his teddy as if it was his own companion, which was true, teddy was his own companion. He'd talk to him and give him company that he had wished that he'd always have.

On a night of the new moon Kanato felt strange as he sat on his bed with his teddy, he couldn't place it but it was bothering him a lot. It wasn't like anything he felt before. He lied down on his bed with his eyes closed only to feel his head spinning around and round making him feel too dizzy to even open his eyes before he smelled the air. He wasn't in his room anymore, he opened his eyes quickly to find himself on a table as there was a young woman with short pink hair lying on the ground with a stuffed bunny beside her. He felt slightly confused on where he was and how he got there. He tried to move only to feel the dizzy spell still over him so he stayed put as he placed a hand on his head to try to calm the dizzy spell over his head.

Something was making him feel the way he was and he didn't like that one bit, it was one thing for him to feel that way on purpose, but because of some unknown thing. That was slightly annoying, he would voice it too once the woman moved...if she did anyways.


Karina was the black sheep of her family being 17 years of age and still being left out of everything her family did upset her. Even after she made the statement that she'd kill herself over the whole idea of her family ignoring her. But of course that didn't work, she had gotten her bunny and left to her own devices as her family left her in some big house all alone. 

It had been years since she saw her family, she forgot what they looked like or even sounded like. There was no pictures of them around the big manor nor was there any way for her to keep in contact with them. She barely knew how to read and she had no one around to teach her. She had to sound everything out and say it out loud for her to understand it, which was a big mistake when she read out of a book that shook the house and made her fall off of her chair and went face first into the floor. She didn't know how long she was on the floor she was there for but when she got up she rubbed between her eyes before she sat up and held her bunny in her arms tightly.

She then froze when she saw Kanato sitting on the table holding his head. She then remembered what she was reading and felt really bad that he was there to begin with. She didn't know how to talk to people so she didn't know how to be around the male. Kanato looked to her once he realized that she was awake and that she was standing up.

"You brought me here didn't you?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes at her

She didn't know how to answer his question so she shrugged as she held her bunny closer to her chest. He then got up as he walked up to the female.

"Shrugging doesn't answer my question! Speak woman!" He said getting annoyed

She looked down as she started to tear up before she started to cry, she then pushed him away from her before she rushed out of the room in tears. When Kanato was pushed away from the female he went back into the table almost breaking it as he caught himself. He didn't understand why the girl acted the way she did, how she did reminded him of how he acts, which then made him frown slightly. He was probably to harsh on her. He held on to his teddy as he went to find the girl, he had to find out where he was and how he got there to begin with. But first, he had to apologize to the girl.

He felt as if that was the first step to getting the young girl to speak to him. So trying to find her scent was hard since it seemed like she rarely had one. He went all over the manor only to find her out on a balcony where she was sitting with her hands over her face still crying her eyes out. He frowned as he looked down.

"Miss.." He said softly

She still said nothing, she did wiped her eyes though as she held her bunny with one hand as she looked to him sadly with tear stained face.

"I apologize for how I first spoke to you like." He said sadly "I'm Kanato Sakamaki."

"K-Karina...Tarasaki." She said shakily

"You barely speak don't you?" He asked as he walked up to her

She nodded her head sadly as he sat beside her, before he sniffed her.

"You're not human." He said as he looked at her purple eyes

"N-No...I-I'm a vampire." She said as she pointed to her fangs

"So I see." He said with a nod

"Y-You're one too?" She asked

"Yes." He said as he pointed to his own fangs.

"Hm...." She said as she looked down to her bunny sadly "I sorry you here. I can't read well. I have to say everything aloud and when I was reading...well apparently I said something that made you be here."

"Are you the only one here?" Kanato asked

She nodded her head sadly. "Family left me here alone since years ago. I forgot what they looked like or sound like." She said sadly

"Well that's not nice."

"Mother and father called me monster and left me here. I look so much different from what I remember than my family. Part of me thinks I was left here to die alone." She said sadly

He furrowed his eyebrows a bit. "Karina you aren't that at all. I think you look very beautiful just the way you are."

She straighten up as she looked to him shocked. "R-Really?" She asked in shock

He gave her a small smile. "Yes, really."

My Senpai[Kanato Sakamaki love story]Where stories live. Discover now