Sidon cracked his neck and rolled his thick shoulders. He kneeled at Rat's side and gave the boy a hopeful, but wary, smile. "Don't be afraid, little one." He extended his hand over Rat's chest.

A growl rumbled in Rat's belly. It felt like a beast lurked deep inside him, dwelling in a sunless fortress. As Sidon's magic ignited around his hand, the beast opened its eyes. Rat gasped as a wave of pain pulsed through his wounds: a warning.

"Wait," Rat whispered.

Blue light plunged into Rat's ribs. Cool tendrils of magic wound through the boy's body, smooth as water, deliberate and focused. The gloom hissed and recoiled from the light. It bounded deeper into its fortress, and the iron portcullis crashed down.

Sidon's fingers clenched. "There it is." His magic flared as it locked on target. It slid through the cracks in the fortress wall and wrapped around the beast. Sidon tugged the magic strings.

The beast howled and thrashed. Rat's eyes flared crimson. His body clenched with pain and he cried out. His eyes fell on Link, standing in the background, arms crossed, watching from the shadows of his hood. "You," Rat hissed. "Did this..." He felt across the ground, searching for a weapon: a knife, a stone.

Yona caught his hand and gripped it between her own.

"It's really in there." Sidon grunted. "What a beast. I can't believe he's still alive." His eyes glowed blue and his hand trembled, holding the taut strings of light. "The gloom bound itself to the boy's will. He's fighting me. He doesn't want to let it go."

What? Teeth clenched, Rat's breath came quick and shallow.

"Child." Yona squeezed Rat's hand. "You're safe here. No one will make you go back to the Depths, ever again. I promise. We all do."

A tear slid down Rat's cheek. "Never?" he whispered.

"Never." Yona held his eyes.

Slowly, Rat's breathing steadied. Squinting against the light, his eyes darted from Yona to Sidon and landed on Link.

The swordsman nodded.

Rat sighed and let his head fall back.

Sidon drew the strings upward and crimson mist lifted from Rat's chest. He coughed, and black slime burst from his mouth. It splattered on Sidon's cheek. The king turned Rat onto his side, supporting him while Rat spat slime, until his hacking brought up only blood. Exhausted, he collapsed.

Sidon sat back on his heels, wiping sludge from his face with the ruffle at his throat.

"I wish you could do that for me," Link muttered.

The king shook his head. "Ganon built your curse just for you."

Yona leaned over Rat, water sliding around her hands. "My turn." Her fingers glowed blue, and she touched Rat's temples. "Sleep, child."

A cool wave floated through Rat's mind. He drifted, imagining he was in his roofless cave, floating in his hot spring, and slept.


Rain pattered on a roof. The sound revived the dryness in Rat's throat. He opened his eyes. A blue ceiling hovered over him, set with a mosaic in the shape of a star. He felt weightless, like he was lying on a cloud. A white pillow cradled his head, and he spread his palm against the silken sheets. His feet poked up under a blue silk blanket, pointing towards a wall of windows covered in white curtains. The nourishing sound of rain came through the curtains, steady and even. The rain wasn't in a hurry.

I'm free.

It felt impossible. Bracing himself, he drew in a breath. His ribs expanded effortlessly. He tried another breath, and another, convincing his brain there was no more pain. The sheets slid off his arms as he raised them and twisted his hands in the muted light. His regrown skin was whole and flawless. Some of his favorite freckles had disappeared, and the light scars from his work in the mines. All gone.

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