Chapter IV - The Training Continues

Start from the beginning

"The last thing that we want to do it rush it." (Y/n) says, "Even if time is limited, we can't overdo the training regime in any way. You're incredibly young. Though your stamina and aptitude differs from any normal kid, I can't let you damage either one of them in any way. You're the target of our upcoming battle. And as much as I despise how much pressure there is in this situation, I can't protect you from those bad guys we'll be facing." Satoru scowls at this reminder, "Of course, I'll try, but we've already deduced that the numbers will be overwhelming. A lot of bounty hunters are already searching for you, but that day that they intend to invade the Gojo House, our enemies will be greater than ever, in terms of manpower."

"So, no matter how hard it is for you to master Infinity, you'll have to neglect those frustrations. I don't expect you to master your cursed technique within the next three months, but, at the very least, I want you to excel in using Infinity. could really end up getting hurt, Satoru-kun."

Satoru's frown deepens, "Like I don't I know that..." He huffs, wearing another pout as he stares out at the forest that extends out in a horizon of trees and bushes, "And how long did it take you to use get the hang of your cursed technique?"

"Me?" (Y/n) takes a while to deduce the answer to that question, "Well...I didn't start training until I was thirteen, shortly after Yaga-sensei took me in. So I'd say...probably three years? I didn't get the basics down until last year, when I was a first year. But, as of now, I've become a master at using it, as you can tell." She offers a smug look that only earns her an agitated look from Satoru.

"I haven't even seen you fight for real." Satoru mentions, "You weren't even using your cursed technique when you tried to save me from those kidnappers."

"Because those kidnappers were amateurs. It was pointless to use it on weak guys like those. Had it been legitimate kidnappers, I would know. And then I would go all out. You don't understand yet because you haven't mastered your own cursed technique, nor do you have someone you want to protect. When you're older, you'll get it."

"I doubt it." Satoru scoffs, "I would never go out my way to protect the weak people. I'm not a superhero, I'm a jujutsu sorcerer."

"It doesn't work like that, you know that right?" (Y/n) deadpans at the title Satoru just gave himself, "Technically, you're not registered as a jujutsu sorcerer. There's a process you have to complete in order to even acquire a rank..."

"A rank?" Satoru's eyes go wide, "There are ranks all of a sudden? But I thought that only applied to cursed spirits!"

"Of course not. We'd also have to distinct our powers as jujutsu sorcerers, too, in comparison to other jujutsu sorcerers." (Y/n) is humored by Satoru's reaction, "Our community goes all the way back to the beginning of time after all. It's only natural that we have it at all. Similar to how our social hierarchy exists, with your family being one of the three most prestigious ones that are dedicated to jujutsu."

"Who are the other two families again?" Satoru then gives it a thought as well, "No, wait, don't tell me, I know you told me before...uh..." It takes a good minute for him to recollect that piece of information, "The Kamo Clan and the...Ze'nin Clan, right?"

"Yeah. Have you met anyone from either one of those families?"

"Well...I think I met someone from the Ze'nin Clan, I'm not sure. I can't really remember what he looked like, really. But, for some reason...he didn't have any cursed energy whatsoever. I could tell with my Six Eyes. I think he was a little surprised to see that I noticed him, too. -- Do you know him?"

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