6.Invitation and Discussion

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"Shut. Up." I said menacingly and bringing my sword out while looking at him with my soul piercing gaze.

"Calm down it's not a big deal." Says Ramiris.

"You're really good at naming." Velgrynd compliments me stating.

"Ara~ it's a first, I never knew I would agree with you Grynd-chan." Velzard says nodding her head.

"Now after that's out of the way. Is there anything you guys have planned to do?" Guy says going back into a more serious tone.

"I'll help you recruit some demon lords." I state.

"Who do you have in mind? Right now we have Ramiris, Milim, You, and me." Guy asks.

"Dagruel and Luminous are both qualified enough." I said.

"Ohh those two? I guess having a vampire and a giant would help us have a variety of races in Walpurgis."

"Can I come?" Milim asks in a surprisingly more mature tone in a while.

"Of course, after all you have nothing to do."

Velgrynd could be seen pouting? I titled my head in confusion.


>>W-what?<< I asked in confusion.

<<Have you not realised?>> Ciel asked in a disappointed tone.

>>Realised what?<< 

<<Velgrynd is most likely in love with master>>

>>WHAT HOW?? Isn't she in love with Rudra? And when did I even make her fall in love with me?<<

<<Velgrynd has not travelled enough with Rudra to fall in love with him, and master's kindness has made her realised her love for you. I must say she has quite the nice preference>>

>>What was the last sentence?<<

<<It is just your imagination>>


>>Ciel-sensei, then what should I do?<<

<<Master can invite her to come with you and keep her away from Rudra to avoid her being manipulated by Michael in the future>>

>>Then wouldn't the other version of me in the future not be able to evolve into a true dragon?<<

<<That is incorrect, the Eastern Empire would just dominate Veldora the storm dragon. Making the evolution to a True Dragon being possible.>>

>>Then can I also be a True Dragon in this body as Ultima?<<

<<Master would be able to turn into a Primordial True Dragon. Being a mixed of the two races. Would master want to evolve?>>

>>Why not, let's make the numbers of True Dragons go up to six in this timeline and have some fun. Do it later after I finish the invitation.>>


"Would Velgrynd also want to accompany us?" I asked while trying to not cringe at my own behaviour.

"Ara~ I never knew you would be so bold." Velzard says while smirking.

"Y-yes I would love to." Velgrynd says while having a pleasant expression.

"Come over here." I said while ushering her near me.

"What do you need?" Velgrynd says while walking closer towards me.

I put both of my hands on Velzard and Velgrynd's head respectively.

"I'm going to try something." I say while closing my eyes.

Well this was actually trying to make me look like I analysed and copied their race and creating a dragon factor for myself. 

I didn't want them to be even more shocked by creating one out of thin air after all.

(Everyone can hear this in the meeting room)


{Individual Ultima Now Evolving Into a Higher Race}

{Primordial Demon Now Merging With The True Dragon Race}

"W-what's g-going on?" Guy said confusingly and panicking at the sudden burst of energy I released purposefully to look like I was evolving, as my real race was folds beyond this.

{Individual Ultima is Now The First of The Primordial True Dragon Race}

{Evolution Completed}

{Ultimare Skill: Sameal, Lord of Deathly Poison Now Evolving}

{Evolution Completed Ultimate Skill:

Yaldaboath, False God of Pain and Suffering.

(Below is only displayed to Ultima and not the other people in the meeting room)


Yaldabaoth is regarded as the malevolent Demiurge and false god, who generated the material universe and keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the world full of pain and suffering that he created.

Thought Acceleration

Able to accelerate thoughts. The individual Ultima is able to accelerate thoughts to hundreds of billions and trillions.

Universal Sense

Able to sense nearly all things within a wide radius. Being able to perceive light, smell, heat, sound, and much more.

True Dragon Spirit Haki

A upgraded version of the demon lord haki subskill. Being able to render others unconscious depending on their power level. And also able to enhance attacks and defences. Able to be used for even more things.

Space Time Manipulation

Able to manipulate space and time. Time and world travelling is possible.

Multi-dimensional Barrier

A barrier regarded as omnipotent. Being able to fend off almost all attacks.

Weakness Exploiter

Not only being able to identify weaknesses, also being able to exploit them with thoughts while not moving at all. Able to now kill with thoughts as long as the other person has a weakness that Ultima knows.

Destructive Death Poison Creation

Able to create any poison that Ultima imagines. Whether it may be for a long suffering or an instant death attack. Able to refine weapons with deadly poison, making scratches deadly for the opponent.

Cosmos Of Annihilation

An other dimension with the capacity of even surpassing infinity. Such that even if infinite objects were placed inside, the dimension would still have infinite space. This separate dimension is controlled by Ultima, any object, energy, or even living beings inside can be manipulated by Ultima. Making this a dimension of torcher chamber for the opponents. If one is placed inside by Ultima, there is no escape. Ultima is able to place something inside with her touching it or connecting it to her by being exposed to her magicules.

Eyes Of Agony

Able to make the opponent suffer physical or mental damage with just a glance. Rendering opponents immobile or causing them to die instantly. As an example, Guy Crimson would only suffer damage and becoming immobile, but an opponent such as Leon would die in an instant. Works on objects, being able to destroy them or manipulate them just by looking at it. 

This is the ending of the evolution of the Ultimate Skill}

"You're going to have to explain a lot." Guy says while being triggered that I had caused chaos once more.


End ~2000 Words

Primordial Demon Violet Rimuruحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن