Imagine 6 ~ Bet

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Prompt: John B bets Jj that he can't go a day without simping over y/n, which backfires in his face and for y/n too get mad at him.

Warnings: slight swearing, drinking, smoking 

Also this imagine is completely different from the last one, in this one Sarah is apart of the Pogues as usual and none of what happened in the last imagine happened in the world of this one. 


Jj Pov: 

It's nearly one in the morning, and I was sitting on the porch of the chateau John B and Pope (Kie and Sarah already gone home) when Y/n gets up and starts walking away. "Where are you going baby?" I ask before she gets too far, "I'm going to get ready for bed, do you need anything before I go inside?" She says, turning around to look at me, pointing her thumb over her shoulder. "No, I'm okay, I'll be in soon." She nods and goes inside to get ready for bed. Finishing the beer I was drinking, I was about to get up and follow her in, when John B goes,  "Dude you are so pussy whipped." I glare at him, responding with, "I am not." John B and I both look at Pope, awaiting for him to back one of us up. "Sorry J, but John B is kind of right, you follow her like a lost puppy." John B high fives him, saying "See even Pope agrees with me." I flip them both off saying, "Fuck you both I do not!" They laugh at me, "Okay then prove it, If you can go all day tomorrow without touching or talking to her every five seconds, then I will buy you a case of beer." I shook my head, "No that's fucked," I refuse, walking towards the door to go inside. "Fine, then you're just agreed to being the biggest fucking simp." I turn around frustrated, "Fine, I'll do it." I agree, then go inside to go to bed. 

~ The Next Day~

Y/n Pov:

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I reach over to cuddle with Jj, but he is already out of bed. It's quite unusual because I usually wake up before him or he wakes me up to cuddle. Whatever, he's probably just out with John B. I check my phone to see a text in the pogue group chat.

The Pogues🏄‍♀️

John B

 We're going out on the Rogue today, when you're up get ready. 


 Ok, what time should we be ready for?



John B

 Not sure, were just waiting for y/n to get up


Y/n wake up.




Sorry, I'll get ready

I quickly get up and get ready, brushing my teeth, doing my skincare, throwing on an outfit, and throwing my hair up in a clip. Not worrying about makeup because I don't want to hold everyone up any longer.

This is the outfit I'm thinking (imagine whatever you'd like):

This is the outfit I'm thinking (imagine whatever you'd like):

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