Imagine 2 ~ Sleepy

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Prompt: Its been a long day hanging our with the Pogues and you've been pretty tired all day. As the day goes on you get more and more sleepy and get excited when it's night time.

Warnings: none 


Y/n Pov:

Today has been a really weird day for me. I'm usually energetic. Whenever I'm with the Pogues I'm always involved in conversation or excited for whatever we get up to throughout the day, but today I've been overly tired. And it's not like I've done anything crazy. All we ever do is go fishing,  go surfing, go to the beach, go swimming, or sit around the chateau. I mean, ya sometimes we get up to something more exciting, but it hasn't been for a few days. But I've felt off since I woke up today. 

Like usually I wake up at a fairly decent time all on my own and love to have the mornings to myself away from the boys. But today I didn't wake up until Jj attacked my face with kisses at noon, so that I'd get up and get ready because the Pogues were all waiting.


Currently were out on the water in the Pogue. I'm lying at the front of the boat with Kie tanning and talking here and there about random things. John B and Jj are sitting near the steering wheel drinking their beers and chatting about god knows what. And Pope is sitting reading a book. After a few minutes of silence, I slowly start to drift off into a sleep. I'm jolted out of my little sleep by Jj calling out to me,  "Babe do you want another beer?"I look up for a second to notice that we've stopped and anchored, when I realize I forgot to respond. "Y/n?" Jj calls again. "Um, No I'm okay for now, thanks though." He kind of looks a little surprised because I never say no to a beer. Kiara stands up, "I'm going to jump in, wanna come?" I decide to join her because maybe the water will wake me up a bit. 

After a bit of swimming, we get out of the water and I wrap myself in my towel. I sit next to Jj and he pulls me into his side, so I snuggle up and nuzzle my head in his neck. I didn't notice I fell asleep until Jj is shaking me awake. "Wake up princess, we're home." I slowly stand up and walk towards the chateau. Usually on nights like these we all gather around on the porch and just talk about random shit. 

When I get inside the first thing I do is shower, do my skincare, and then I get dressed into some comfier clothes for the night.

This is the outfit I'm thinking (if you don't like it feel free to picture what you'd like):

This is the outfit I'm thinking (if you don't like it feel free to picture what you'd like):

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I know it's summer, but I want to be cozy. I grab my phone and walk outside to wherever everyone else is sitting. I immediately go and sit next to Jj. He puts his hand on my thigh and I lean my head on his shoulder. 

I've been zoned out and dozing off for the last hour or so, that I barely heard Jj say, "Are you okay?" I look at up at him and respond, "Ya, I'm ok, just a little tired." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and says, "Do you want to go to bed?" "No, not yet I'm okay." He was about to respond when John B asks him a question, so I just listen once again. 

After another hour, I'm still really tired, I start to get up to go to the bathroom and get myself some water to keep myself awake. Jj notices me getting up and asks, "Where are you going?" "Just to grab some water, I'll be right back." I go to the washroom, then go to the kitchen to fill up my water bottle with some ice cubes and water from the tap. I was about to go back outside when I think about going to lay on the bed for a minute. I cave to my thoughts and head into my bedroom. I place my water on the night table and lay on the bed and pull out my phone. After a bit of scrolling through Tik Tok I feel myself drifting into a sleep, so I turn my phone off and close my eyes.

Jj's Pov:

Y/n said she was going to grab herself some water, but it's been at least thirty minutes maybe an hour and she still hasn't come back yet. I've noticed she was a little more tired than usual, so I'm assuming she fell asleep. I decide to go join her so I say my goodnights to the rest of the Pogues and head inside.

As soon as I turn the corner to go into the room, I see the door wide open, light still on and y/n lying on her stomach asleep on the bed. Her phone is still in her hand, but she is on top of the covers. Gosh she's so cute when she's sleeping. I scoop her up into my arms so that I can put her under the covers because I know she usually gets cold when she sleeps. Then I start to get myself ready for bed. I clothes the door, turn the light off, and take my shirt off before I climb into the covers myself. 

She must've felt the mattress dip and stirs a little. "Sorry, did I fall asleep?" "Shh, it's okay I know you're tired, go back to sleep." She starts to clothes her eyes, so I pull her so that her head is on my chest and her leg is over both of mine. 

"Goodnight Cupcake, I love you so much."

"I love you Jj." 

Then we both drift off into a restful sleep. 

1025 words


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