I walk through the front door to be greeted by Jonas "did you guys have fun?" Jonas asks "so much fun" I plop down on the couch. I pull out my phone and realize I didn't follow Bax back yet, I press the blue follow button and take a quick look at his pictures again. Poppy's notification pops up at the top of my screen, I open the groupchat to see she invited the rest of the group.

I grab my board off of the board racks and take it down the the water which is only a short sandy walk from the house.

I practice my 360, keeping in mind the advice Jonas had given me. I do a few more tricks like a kick flip and a superman. I can feel myself getting better by the minute. Surfing with no one watching, just the sound of the waves and my own breathing is so comforting and makes it much easier to practice without pressure. Not to mention how freeing it is to ride waves while feeling loose, not for some stupid points but for the simple fact it's fuckin fun.

I head instead with wet and sandy hair which earns a stare from my older brother "i'll vacuum" I state as I walk past him and into the bathroom. I wash the sand out of my hair and wash my face. After the most fun i've had with surfing in so long, nothing can ruin my mood. I just wish I could barrel ride. I haven't had a perfect wave to barrel ride and the last time I did, I messed it up because I didn't have Jonas to teach me how to do it.

I hop out of the shower feeling refreshed, I put on some jogging shorts and a cropped tank top, I head towards my window nook with a book in my hands and sit down on the white fuzzy cushions. I have a perfect view of the beach from my window, I can see just how big the waves are every single morning. I used to do that at least.

I pull a blanket overtop of me and read about 3 chapters of my book before being interrupted by Jonas "I need some help at the shop today, cmon" he says without giving me room for saying no.

I just change my shorts into jean shorts, I throw on minimal amount of mascara and meet Jonas in the van "sorry Lex" Jonas says as he starts to drive off "for what?" I ask "you shouldn't have to come with me, you were in such a good mood" Jonas says with a sigh "hey i'm still in a good mood, I get to spend the day with you and I have a party tonight" I smile at the thought of dancing with Poppy and Marlon "party? Did that aggro invite you?" Jonas seems pissed "no Griff invited Poppy and she invited me, and you're the one who told me to talk to Baxter. I think he's nice Jonas, and you've never even met em" I say in the most calm tone possible "you're right sorry, i'm the one in a bad mood today" Jonas chuckles "all good bro" I say quietly.

Jonas and I pull up the the shop and hop out of the van. Jonas opens the front doors and the two of us walk in together. I flip the open sign as the door shuts behind us and flip the light switch that turns on all of the neon signs at the front windows. I grab the broom and sweep the floors briefly before getting behind the front desk. Jonas makes surfboards in the back which is where most of the money he makes comes from, we also sell wetsuits and any convenient beach items like sunglasses and sunscreen. We sell bracelets and key chains for the tourists which I make most of them out of string and sometimes beads.

I sit at front desk on my bar stool and help the odd customer, we've had about 20 people in today which means I get a break. I put up the sign that says 'we'll be back' and head to the back room where Jonas is shaping surfboards. I watch him for a moment before he realizes i'm here "everything good up there?" He asks "yeah all good, just been a bit busy, wanted to check on ya" I smile "i'm the one who checks on you kiddo, get back up there" Jonas rolls his eyes.

I sit down at my chair,  I then see someone is in the store. I see the top of their head and I notice it's Bax, I can see his fluffy pink hair. "Can't you read?" I yell across the store, the boy then peaks his head from behind the shelf "I can read, just don't care to" he smirks "can you at least get rid of the sign?" I ask politely, he doesn't say anything but just brings the sign over to me "thank you" I smile at the taller boy. He keeps his hands on the edge of the front counter and just stares at me "what?" I finally ask "what're you doing tonight?" He asks with curiosity "going out with a few friends why?" I ask "wondering if you wanna come to a beach party tonight" he keeps glaring at me "that's where i'm going, guess i'll see you there" I try to keep my 'I don't care' act but it's so hard with him "do you guys make boards here?" Bax asks with a smile "yeah my brother makes them" I say "can I check it out?" I turn away because I know if I look at him any longer I'll say yes "I don't think my brother would appreciate that."

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