"That's what Y/N said!" Su-ho said in disbelief.
"That's just crazy."

"Well? Are we gonna go or not?" Si-eun said while walking out of his room. Me and Su-go followed him and went outside, walking near the amusement park. When we arrived, we saw Nabi there.

"Hey guys!" She waved at us. We waved back and went towards her.

"So which one shall we go on first?" She said while putting her arm around my shoulders.

"Hmm, I don't know. You pick." I said while walking along side her.

"Mmm.. ohh that one!" She pointed at the pirate ship.

"Okay, are you guys gonna come as well?" I asked the two guys.

"Nah, we will wait, you two have fun." Su-ho said while putting his hand on Si-eun's shoulder. Me and Nabi just nodded and started walking towards the pirate ship.

"I actually never been to one of these. I'm so excited!" Nabi said while flapping her hands.

"Really? Not even once?" I asked.

"Nope, always stayed at home. But since I'm with you, I can't wait." She said, I felt bad for her. Being stuck indoors. We arrived at the front of the line and they let us in. I leased her towards the back since it was the most fun at the back.

"Is it scary?" She asked while sitting down.

"Not really, unless you don't like the feeling of being swung side to side." I said while sitting next to her close. She sighed and held onto the lap bar really tightly. I laughed a bit and belt onto her hand, comforting her.

"It's not scary compared to the other tones at the park." I smiled at her. She nodded her head then the ride started. When it was at its full peak, she started screaming her head off and I laughed so hard when she did.

"OH MY GOSH!" She screamed again. I couldn't help but laugh the whole ride. When the ride ended I was still laughing looking at her shocked face.

"Are you okay?" I said while still laughing. She was silent for a few seconds then started laughing as well.

"That was so fun!" She laughed. We got off the ride and were making jokes and laughing while walking.

"Looks like you guys had fun." Su-ho said. Next to him was Si-eun but his hair was all over the place.

"Did you guys also go on a ride?" I said.

"Yep, we went on the bumper cars." Su-ho said.

"There was so many people." Si-run said while lowering his head so I could fix his hair. While I was fixing Si-eun's hair, I could see Nabi at the corner of my eye whispering to Su-ho. He just smiled.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked while turning my head towards them.

"Just how you and Si-eun look perfect together." Nabi smiled.

"Why thank you." I said confidently.
"I think we look perfect together too." I smiled. I could see Nabi was a bit taken back and Su-ho trying to hold in his laughter.

"We look perfect together because we are together." Si-eun said. I nodded in agreement.

"Wait really?" Nabi asked a bit shocked. I nodded my head again. She smiled but it felt a bit off.

"Wanna go on another ride?" Su-ho said to Nabi.

"Oh, sorry. I need to go, my mum said to be back home before 6." She said while checking her phone.

"It's 4:30." I questioned, a bit confused.

"Uhm, yeah I also need to do a few things, bye guys! Have a great time!" She then hurriedly off and was lost in the crowd.

"What's up with her?" Si-eun said.

"Hey, be nice. She might have had some problems in her mind and didn't want to make a big deal out of it." I said while hitting his arm lightly.

"Okay, okay." He said while rubbing his arm.

"Well, which ride do you want to go on next?" Su-ho said while putting his arms around me and Si-eun's shoulder. Before we could say anything someone's voice interrupted us.

"Hey Y/N! What are you doing here?"

Ah, shit...

1112 words

Hello everyone! Sorry this one took so long. I kinda forgot about it and left it untouched for a few weeks then when I got a notification I immediately started writing. It's 1 am here so I'm gonna go to sleep. Hope you have a great day/night 👋.

{Reality} Yeon Si-Eun x Fem!Reader [Weak Hero Class 1] Where stories live. Discover now