About Y/N ~Please read to understand the story~

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Idk how old they are in the show but let's say 15-16. Edit: 17-18 (sorry didn't change this sooner kinda forgot)

You are 15. You are a black belt in Taekwondo and is very good at PE. You are decent in your grades too. But you are an outcast in your all girls school because you are more masculine than most girls. (No offence) that's why Soo-Ho is your only friend

You have an older brother called L/N (last name)Jun-so he is 18. You live with your granddad's house since your mother and father are divorced and your mother is in jail for attempted murder against your father. Your father is unable to take care of you but you still visit here and there but you terribly afraid of him. Read the story to know why. ;)

You met Soo-Ho at your Taekwondo class.(idk what martial arts he does so I'll just say Taekwondo) He is the only one knowing your past and actually staying your life for more than a month.

You don't get that much bullying since you can beat everyone up but you do get nasty comments here and there. You have nice facial feature, in fact you are the most prettiest girl in your class but because of your personality and interest, you are classed as a tomboy and its not a very good thing at your school.

⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️ I may or may not discontinue the story because my motivation is 👎 but I will try
I hope you enjoy the story.

{Reality} Yeon Si-Eun x Fem!Reader [Weak Hero Class 1] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن