~Chapter 10~

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~Chapter 10~

Si-eun's POV:

It's been a month since Y/N have moved into my house and now she has to go back. It feels like she is leaving for another country.

"Okay. I got all my stuff, I think. If I left anything please tell me. I'll be upstairs." She said while leaving my house. It was the weekend and Y/N was hanging out with her brother today so I had nothing to do except wait for my dad to come home.

"My son! I'm home!" I heard. I looked out of my room and saw dad.

"Hi dad. Y/N already went home for some family plans."

"Of course, I know Y/N is a very busy person. You are lucky to have her as your girlfriend." He said while putting his bag down.

"Dad... she's not my girlfriend." I said sitting down at my desk.

"Yeah yeah. Not yet that is." He started laughing at himself. I sighed and began studying.

~a week later~

"It's almost the holidays. Do you know what you are gonna do?" Su-ho asked while we walked home.

"I don't really know.." I said back.

"Well, me and Y/N saw an advertisement about a theme park opening up near us. I thought we could hang out together." He said.


"Wait, Y/N just texted me that she wants to invite her friend called Nabi." Su-ho said while checking his phone

"I'm fine with that." I said

"Alr, so is tomorrow fine?" He asked again.


"Why are you so down? I know you are always down but you're even more down than usual." Su-ho asked. I thought he was joking but by the expression he was making, he was actually concerned.

"I'm fine." I lied. I was getting less and less sleep every night. I feel half dead.

"You literally have really noticeable eye bags stop lying." He said. I sighed.

"Fine, I actually have been getting less and less sleep. I don't know why." I said while rubbing my eyes. I saw Su-ho thinking for a few minutes but then his face lit up.

"When did this start?" He asked.

"Uhm, about a week or so ago." I answered in confusion.

"Right, right... did, I don't know Y/N sleep in the same bed as you perhaps?" He asked. Why did this have to relate to my sleeping problem?

"Why do you need to know?" I sharply answered feeling my ears go pink.

"Okay, that means yes... so it means that you can't sleep because Y/N isn't with you." He said like he solved a case study. I looked at him really weirdly and I started to walk a bit faster.

"Oh come on! You are so obvious! Just tell her you want her to sleep with you...not in that way but...when you go to the theme park you can tell her everything you have been feeling, then maybe she will say yes." When he said that I walked even faster.

"Omg, just tell her. Why? Is the little secret admirer  scared to talk to their little crush?" He said while gently pinching my cheeks. I brushed his hands off of me I laughed a bit.

"Ohhh, you're not denying it!" He added. I just rolled my eyes and later we went our separate ways to our houses.

When I was in the elevator to go to my house, it stopped a floor before. I was looking at the ground so I didn't see who it was until I saw a familiar pair of shoes.

"Y/N?" I said while lifting my head up.

"Oh, hi Si-eun!"

"Why are you in the elevator? At this hour?" I asked.

"Well, I was literally ab-" before she could finish the elevator suddenly stopped right between Y/N's floor and my floor. It was a pretty bad shake so I stumbled on the wall but Y/N was right in the middle of the elevator so she ended up tripping and kinda landed on me.

"Omg, I'm so sorry." She said while quickly getting back up. I thought my heart stopped for a second but I think I'm exaggerating.

"Well shit.. the elevator is stuck." She said. I pressed the help button and a man picked up.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" He said.

"Me and my friend are stuck in the elevator and we can't get out." I said.

"Okay, I'll be there. But it may take a while because of so many elevators getting broken." He replied back.

"That's fine." I said. Then there was beep that means the call ended. I turned around to face Y/N but she was already sitting on the ground. I walked over and sat down next to her.

"So why were you going up?" I asked.

"To get away."

817 words

OMG ITS BEEN SO LONG!! I'm so sorry that it took so long for chapter 10 to come out. I just had a lot going on. I will try to publish chapter 11 as soon as possible! But don't have much hope in me. 😅 but I hope you have a great day/night. 👋

{Reality} Yeon Si-Eun x Fem!Reader [Weak Hero Class 1] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن