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As I'm getting ready in the locker room, I'm dreading going out there. I know tonight will be a long shift. I was assigned to a reserved party room with three other co-workers. Hopefully I can make more cash tonight—usually for reserved rooms I get paid a bit more. It all depends on the amount of people and the age range. Anyway I'm almost done getting ready-for some reason I can't seem to figure out I feel just a bit more nervous tonight I never feel scared or nervous anymore not since my first few months at this job but something about tonight just feels different not even in a bad way just, different. As I'm walking in the reserved room for a moment, I think I hear a familiar voice, but I chalk it up to my nerves being worse. The manager comes in to see if we're ready and to tell us the guests will be entering any moment now, and we all take our places.

I arrived a bit early to my friend's party, so I decided to wait in the parking lot. I hear a knock that disturbs my silence in my car, which startled me a little. I look to my right to see Aziel, Marcellus, Oliver, Anthony, and Elias all group up waving at me through my window. I give a greeting smile.

After I exit my car, we make friendly remarks and jokes on our way into the reserved room. I'm usually opposed to attending these kinds of places, but I thought I would make an exception for my best friend— Aziel's bachelor party. We all sit once we're in the room and the bright spotlights shine on the stage, one by one each girl strikes her pose, and a light is focused on her. Immediately regretting my decision to come tonight, out of the four girls on stage I focus on the last girl as she strikes her pose, and then I see her. For a moment I don't believe it's her in a place like this; seems quite unusual. My first instinct was to rip her away, but I couldn't do that to her, causing such a scene would surely embarrass her. These bastards are unworthy of seeing such beauty like hers. I hate to see her working a job like this, knowing she has so much more potential and talent , it makes me sad to see her wasting it all here. Soon she turned and our eyes met. I saw her expression change and her way of dancing as if her confidence had drained from her body. She had obviously, like me, had not expected a surprise like this tonight. And I can't believe she lied to me when I thought she was home safely.

I'd decided to sit there and avoid eye contact while she attempted to dance on me but I kept my distance. Once the girls were done they made their way to the door from which they came. The rest of the party was torture, everyone was drinking, laughing having an amazing time while I sat in the corner slowly drinking bourbon with nothing on my mind but Amariah, it just kept running through my mind over again in an endless loop, the disgusting men touching and imagining doing sinful things to my angel, something only I can ever do to her, things that she'll beg for soon enough but for now I think I'll settle for just an explanation.

Author's note:

we are so sorry it's been sooo long since we updated. ummm... there's really no excuse we just simply are LAZY... and forgetful. so this a short chapter but be ready for the next one cause it's getting goooood. we'll be updating again in hopefully 3-4 days, max: a week. anyways let us now what you'll like to see happen, love yaaaaa! from your BOSS AND CEO's! out!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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