The return of the demon

Start from the beginning

His cries of pain rang out through the area as Y/n smirked.

Y/n:"You were wise to shoot your own hand instead of me, you shall be spared." He spoke as he walked towards the symbol of peace and stood directly in front of him.

Y/n:"You've grown weaker. This will not do. Not at all. And you're weekend now. You shall fight me when you're stronger. But for now I sense something here, someone even. Someone stronger than you, a successor perhaps? I'd love to see what they're capable of."

Almost as if he teleported he appeared I front of Midoriya and stared him down.

Y/n:"Ahh, I sense it within you, the strength that I've seen once before. You will grow strong, young one, and our batlle will be legendary. For now, train, and train hard....for when we fight, I hope to not be disappointed."

The man proceeded to walk away from the boy and walk towards the walls to the left of the door where all the heroes stood and headbutted the wall, breaking a hole in it and walking through.

All might:"The demon has returned. And he's looking for a fight. This is not good."

Just as he said this he de-transformed as steam emmited from his body. Coming out of shock, cementos used his quirk to create a wall of cement around the hero before his skinny from could be seen.


After the events of the USJ the students were given a week off from school to recover from the attack. But one student was not resting as much as the others. No...he was researching.

Izuku:"Hanma.... Y/n Hanma. Who is that?"

Midoriya Izuku, ever since his interaction with the man who stuck fear into the man he looked up to his whole life, he just couldn't get his mind off of him. He had known almost everybody that All might had ever fought. But this man was someone he did not recognize at all, he was obsessed with finding out who he was....yet ha also felt like he had a connection with the he knew him from somewhere but couldn't even figure it out.

Izuku:"There has to be so.ething! Maybe I could ask All might? No...he seemed to scared of him and probably wouldn't want to talk about it. But....maybe someone else knows? By who?" As the boy spoke to himself he began mumbling as his mother called him down to eat dinner.

Inko:"Honey! Dinners ready! I made katsudon!" Upon hearing his mother say the name of his favourate food he rushed out of his room and went straight down the the dining room where his mother had just set the food down for him.

Inko:"Took you a little longer to get down here. What's up sweety?"

His mother asked, interested as to why her son took longer than usual to come down, he usually came down immediately.

Izuku:"Yeah sorry about that. I was doing research on this guy that was at the USJ."

His mother was now intrigued as she began to ask more.

Inko:"Who was it dear?" She asked her son with a look of curiosity, but that curiosity would soon turn to something else.

Izuku:"His name was....Y/n Hanma. And All might seemed quite scared of him."

Upon hearing the name of the man, Inko's face dropped immediately, a feeling of dread overcoming her as her eyes widened in shock.

Inko:"Y-Y-Y/n Hanma? Are you sure it was that man? Red hair? Giant muscles? Demon like presence? Please tell me I'm not right!" She spoke with a fearful voice.

Izuku was now concerned as he'd never seen his mother look so scared in his life, she looked mortified.

Izuku:"Yeah! Exactly! But mom...why do you look so scared? You sound like you know this you?" The boy asked.

Inko just looked at her son and she felt the urge to tell, but she just kept it all in.

Inko:"We have a small history. But that's all I'll say for'll find out more when you're ready."


After the whole dinner situation it left Izuku with even more questions. What kind of history did his mother have with Y/n Hanma? Just why did she tell him he'll find out more when he's ready? What did she mean by that? So many questions....and absolutely no answers.


Y/n:"It seems I will have a worthy challenger soon enough. And when that time comes, my battle with him will be legendary. I could tell just by being in the same room as him that he would become stronger....and I will see to it that he does." The man said while his muscles bulged and ripped his shirt off, as he turned around and revealed his demon back.

" The man said while his muscles bulged and ripped his shirt off, as he turned around and revealed his demon back

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Y/n:"Soon boy....soon."

[Just what kind of history does Inko Midoriya have with this Demon of a man? Why does the symbol of peace fear him so? And just why has this man chosen to battle Izuku specifically? For his strength? Or something else? Find out next time on, The strongest creature.]

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