Chapter 1

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Nagi Seishiro is a 17-year-old prince who doesn't care about much except what's in his room or games. He barely goes out and doesn't want to go out as he finds the outside world annoying and he is too lazy even to go. Since young he never bothered to put much effort into things but video games. When his parents questioned if he wanted to play anything his response was video games and nothing more.

At the age of 16, he was introduced to a boy with purple hair named Reo Mikage. Nagi thought of Reo as annoying and loud as Reo wouldn't stop bothering or asking him questions. Then the random question popped up, "Will you be my friend?" Reo once asked and slung his arm over Nagi's shoulders, Nagi just accepted not knowing what a friend was so he thought about giving it a try. He didn't understand why but to Reo he was called a treasure. No idea why but didn't care to say anything about it.

Later on in his life while he is lazing around in his room, his best friend, Reo walks into his room with a smile on his face and then says, "Let's go outside" which means that Reo is going to force him to get some fresh air for once in his life. This annoyed the snow hair prince but went along as he didn't want to be murdered by Reo.

The two called a limo to drive around the city, Reo spotted some nice clothing shops and he started shopping with a smile on his face. While shopping they came across a game shop which Nagi instantly entered searching for new games to play. 

Suddenly out of nowhere, a stranger with blueish-black hair bumps into him which makes the other tumble.

"Ow," the stranger said rubbing the back of his head, "Oh sorry about that" Then did a light chuckle, and he quickly recovered himself from the floor, dusting off his trousers

For some reason, he couldn't look away from him and his heart was beating way too fast. "I-" Nagi was cut off by someone who placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Cya," The stranger said and walked right past him 

He quickly turned in the direction the stranger went"Wait-" Before Nagi could continue the stranger was already gone. He just lightly sighed and went back to looking at games.

The duo had arrived back hours ago, Nagi was just lying on his bed looking at his ceiling while concentrating.

"Who was that stranger? and why is my heart beating so fast when I saw their face?" Nagi questioned himself but then dozed off to sleep

Discontinued! (Blue lock) The sleepy princeWhere stories live. Discover now