Where he went

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Back at the courthouse.

"Spark where is everyone." Sparkles asked.

"Dec Fantes and Alyssa got knocked out." Spark replied.

"What about Andor." Erin asked.


"Well where is Andor." Sparkles snapped.

"He's with Tony at the bottom of the lava pool." Spark said. "He was trying to save Alyssa."

"No Andor." Sparkles said starting to cry. "how are you not sad about this he's your grandson."

"You think I haven't cried you think I didn't cry when my best friend turned evil or when I found out I can't get home to my wife and kids. what can you feel that, something is wrong in my demechen." when Spark said that Diviser fell on him.

Later at Dec's house.

"Diviser wake up. what happened."

"Al helgrind and Andor start to attack everyone."

"What Andor how." Sparkles said.

"I guess he was teleported."

"No Andor died." Spark said.

"Hum I will have to look into that after I biled a portal back home. I a sum you will help me."

"Of course." Erin said. "and nice to meet you I'm Erin."

"Sparkles is she your girlfriend."

"How does everyone know that."

"Yes I am."

"Everyone you can't ceap your powers." Ianite said.

"We know."

"Ok Sparkles Erin my powers first."

"Who will get Mianite's and Dianite's." Tom said.

"Dec will get Mianite's and I will hid Dianite's in Tom." Ianite said. "Chanel your power throw me."

And now Dec is a God.

"So how long will building the portal take." Wag asked.

"No more than a day. who will be coming."

"Everyone but Dec and Ianite. right." Sparkles said.

"Yes all of you need to go." Ianite said.

"Wag I need you to be my assistant and Ianite and Tom I will need your help to."

"I will stay with Alyssa and Dec." Spark said.

"We will watch the others." Tucker and Sonja said.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day." Sparkles said.

"Lets just go home." Erin replied.

Back at Sparkles house.

"Want to watch a movie." Sparkles said.

"I'm kind of tiered ;) ." Erin said. (You know what I meant)

The next morning.

"Last night was fun." Sparkles said.

"Yes it was." Erin said. "we should see how much longer the portal will take"

At Diviser lab.

"We were waiting for you two." Tom said.

"So I take it the portals ready." Erin said.

"Yes but remember when we go through we can't open it without a god and Tom doesn't work." Diviser said.

"Open it already." Tucker said.

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