Was it smart

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The next morning.

"WAKE UP!" Erin yelled.

"What." Sparkles said.

"We're going to see Sonja and Tucker for breakfast."

"OK be ready in 10."

At Sonja and Tucker's base.

"Why did you have to invite Sparkles and Erin over." Tucker wined.

"Because we both know they need some help getting together." Sonja replied. "Be sides it will be fun."

"Says you." after Tucker said that he got a swath.

"Less sas more work." Sonja ordered.

A bit later.

"Welcome to my house." Sonja said letting Sparkles and Erin in.

"Ower house."

"Fine welcome to ower house. you happy how."

"Wow you when all out." Erin exclaimed.

"Only the best for the best." Sonja said.

Are they trying to set me and Erin up.

I think they're trying to set me and Jordan up.

"So Erin do you know when or where you are going to set up a house." Tucker asked.

"I haven't had much time to think about it." the truth is I don't want to. I like being with someone and especially Jordan. "You know with Cronus and everything."

"You can stay as long as you like." I don't want her to leave.

After breakfast Erin and Sparkles went to try and find a spot for Erin's house.

"How about here."

"To farrrrrrr." then she was grabbed by Nat "If you want your girlfriend back meat me at Dianite's old Temple and you don't need to come alone in fact bring the old crew." and he was gone.


At the courthouse.

"I can't believe I just let him take her."

"Jordan don't blame yourself if he is working for Cronus what could you do." Wag said.

"Then how will I get her back."

"You won't together we will." Tucker said.

"Are you shore you guys want to do this."

"Erin is my friend to." Sonja said.

"Nad betray me to." Tom added.

"We need to take him down anyway." Wag said.

"Dude I will always have your back." Tucker finished.

"Then we do it as a team."

Moments later in the nether.

"Stay together." Sparkles said.

"So Sparkles thanks for bringing your friends. now my master what's to talk to you." Nad said.

"Nad you creap." Sonja yelled.

"Ouch words can hurt. but so can this." Nad throw a ball of lightning at Sonja.

"Now go in before I lose my patience."

They go in and find Cronus on Dianite's throne.

"One of three down. thanks to you Tom, did I ever say thanks for that."

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