In the distance, the sound of a vehicle approaching reached the men's ears and brought their attention towards a yellow and black Camaro. Immediately firing their weapons, the TRF took on the oncoming Autobot and watched in confusion as Bumblebee broke into multiple pieces.

"What the hell was that?" The leader asked as he glanced around the area.

"That was a big mistake." Cade shrugged.

In that moment, Bumblebee attached a hook to the soldier's leg and started to reassemble himself. Allowing the man to dangle in front of him, he set off multiple explosions while incapacitating a bunch of the TRF soldiers. Eliciting screams of shock from the men that attempted to escape from the sudden attack.

"You really shouldn't approach someone until you know they're dead." Bumblebee's radio mocked.

"Put your weapons down! Easy Bee, come one now!" Cade pleaded as he put his hands in front of him.

Dropping the TRF leader, Bumblebee placed his hand cannon against the man's chest to hold him in place.

"I'll burn you so bad, you'll wish you died as a child." His radio sneered.

"Shoot him! Shoot him!" The man shouted.

"You'll be dead before I hit the ground." Cade threatened as he pulled out his own weapon.

"Take the damn shot!"

"Don't do it Bee! Everyone hold your fire! And you! Drop it!" Another voice echoed from behind.

"I'm not dropping shit." Cade scoffed without even glancing back.

"Hey, Bee, the military, we don't want it this way. You've gotta believe that! It's a new world order, and these people are the ones that are calling all of the shots." A familiar voice echoed through Bee's processors.

Shaking his head and pointing his cannon towards the man, Bumblebee beeped and whirred angrily. Before turning to face the man that was still laying on the ground.

"You know that all they wanted was a home. You push them, and they are going to push back." Cade reasoned.

"If they're the ones calling the shots...Then they're the ones...Who killed...Liza!" Bumblebee growled out angrily.

"What?" Lennox choked out.

"She was hurt...So bad...They said they would help...But they killed her!" Bumblebee's radio cracked while pointing his weapon at the TRF leader.

"Bumblebee!" Cade suddenly shouted angrily.

Silence briefly fell among the groups as they all took each other in. Lennox, who was trying to reason with Bumblebee, stood dumbfounded as he hadn't heard any news about his friend having passed away. However, the silence didn't last long as Hound came barreling through the debris and transforming into his bipedal form.

"Hound incoming! I love starting the day with a little gun-fight! I'm sorry to say, but my invitation to this little ass kicking was lost in the mail!" Hound grinned while pulling out a machine gun.

"My crew and I are rolling out here. Let's go, they won't touch us." Cade sighed in relief.

"No Decepticon activity, TRF stand down." Lennox sighed into his radio.

"You sure you don't want to shoot at me? I mean, I am a pretty big target." Hound mocked while slapping his gut.

Leaving the group of TRF soldiers, Cade and his posse leave the abandoned part of Chicago and begin their trek back to South Dakota. The drive back was quiet for the most part, however, Bee's outburst was fresh in their minds. Everyone knew that Bumblebee had purposely avoided Elizabeth, and even after all of the coaxing, he would act like she didn't exist to him. It broke their hearts to see their friend hurting, but they could never get the mech to explain why he was acting the way he was. After hearing what Bee's thoughts were, Cade couldn't help but frown and clench his fists on the steering wheel of the jeep he was driving. All this time, Bumblebee didn't see Elizabeth as a living human being. She was dead to him, just because she didn't return to them the way that they had hoped.

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