The inside interior was pretty nice

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The inside interior was pretty nice. It also screamed 'stuck up noble' but to Mob was too nice(dense)to point it out. As Patchouli guided them through the mansion, Mob kept seeing little maids with wings everywhere, flying and floating around, fixing and cleaning things here and there. While he wasn't paying attention, one bumped into him and dropped a dust pan. "Oh, I'm sorry, let me clean that up for you." He extended his hand and a small, blue, aura covered the pan and dust respectfully and gave it back to the fairy(? He thinks that's what their called anyway.) the fairy thanked him and left with a Pip in their step...or wings. "Are you coming or what, mob" Mob looked up. "Ah, s-sorry, I'm coming" after a while they had reached a big room that was arena sized with classical art decorum everywhere. In fact there was a big window that showed off the moon, which looked a lot bigger then it was supposed to be. Whoever owned this place sure liked the renaissance. In the middle of the room was a table with a maid who was preparing some food and tea,

 In the middle of the room was a table with a maid who was preparing some food and tea,

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And a little girl in a pink dress with what looked like bat wings on her back

She looked up from what ever it is she was doing and had a small smile upon seeing Patchouli, side eyed Rumia,

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She looked up from what ever it is she was doing and had a small smile upon seeing Patchouli, side eyed Rumia,...and completely ignored Mob. "Hello Patchouli, would you mind explaining why some random youkai is in my house please?" "Well for one she got some of are books back" "oh that's good" "and two, she isn't important-" "screw you!" "-but he is" she pointed at mob. The child and maid now noticed the bowl-cut boy. Mob waved at them. They waved back. " apologies, I did not notice you" "It  happens a lot so it's fine" the girl then picked up her wine glass and started acting like a stuck up noble again. Mob blinked. "Well, I still don't see why you are here in the first place, bland child." If Mob could actually feel emotions, it would most likely be annoyance. Patchouli went to the girls side and whispered something in her ear. The girl's eyes widened before gaining a hungry look to them. Uh oh, this can't be good. The girl made a shooing motion with her hand. "Sakuya, could you please remove the youkai from my presence please?" The maid, now named Sakuya, bowed "oh, and could you please test the child for me? I want to see what he can do"Sakuya now had a smirk. "Most certainly, mistress" she then pulled out a stop watch and clicked it. Mob would have been impressed that she disappeared, but the knives in his face said that he shouldn't be. Mob's barrier shot up and blocked them.


"Excuse me, but why are you throwing knives at me? We should tal-" Sakuya appeared before with him more knives in her hand. "The time for talk is over" she throws them at him and there stopped by his barrier. "Please stop, I don't want to hurt you." More knives. Some of the begin to stick in Mob's barrier. "If you wanted me to show you my power, I could have just lifted a table" more knives were thrown. Mob stack two extra barriers on top of his broken one. Okay, talking wasn't working, so that means he'll have to be tough. Mob thought about how she was throwing her knives. They always appeared after she teleported. And every time she teleported, she clicked her watch. So, she wasn't teleporting, but stopping time. Now that was figured out, all he had to do was get it away from her. Mob let his barriers fall as he stepped backwards and sent some bullets of energy at Sakuya, who promptly dodged them and started to get closer, and closer. When she got close enough, she sent a kick to his face, which mob dodged by ducking under her(while making sure to close his eyes) while jumping back using his powers to lift himself up. Sakuya seeing a perfect opportunity to finish the fight went for her watch and-it wasn't there. She looked up to find her watch in the hands of the bland-faced boy. You see, when Sakuya got close enough to Mob, he used his powers to find the largest aura on her to locate the watch. When he did find it, he used his psychic strings to take it off of Sakuya. Said maid bowed her head toward her mistress. "I'm sorry my mistress, but I wasn't able to do as you ordered" "but you did win" Sakuya turned her head towards Mob. "When you fought me, you weren't trying too hurt me, but make me use my powers. And since I failed to talk you out of fighting, I lost." Sakuya perked up at this. So he noticed then. But what was that about talking her down? Did he think that she could refuse a order from her mistress? Well, whatever the reason, she was just glad that she didn't have to hurt a child all that bad. Oh, wait a minute. "Excuse me, but I don't think I caught your name." "Oh it's M-" suddenly, Rumia came running into the room. "Quick, hid me, please!!!" She looked like something had burned her really bad. Mob began to take off his backpack to get something to help her. This proved to be a mistake, because as soon as he began to take one of the straps of, a blond witch on a broom came flying out of the door,

 This proved to be a mistake, because as soon as he began to take one of the straps of, a blond witch on a broom came flying out of the door,

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and while flying over to Rumia to retrieve her borrowed(stolen) books back. This is unfortunate for Mob, because while the witch was flying over, her broom got caught on one of the straps of Mob's book bag, causing him to be taken with her as she went through the window. "And that's what you get for stealing my books!!!!" And she flew off, completely unaware of the bland boy attached to her broomstick. The residents of the scarlet devil mansion just kinda looked at the window that was now broken. Patchouli, in exasperation, sighed "Well shit"

A blond vampire was relaxing in the mansions library after watching Marisa chase a youkai around to get her books back. While relaxin she sensed a aura. A powerful one. So being the rowdy vampire that she is she broke a window to flow them. Flandre hoped that this would satiate her boredom

 Flandre hoped that this would satiate her boredom

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"Hehehehehe, this is gonna be fun!"

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