The mansion

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Mob has been walking with Rumia for a while now and he was beginning to get tired. A saving grace though was when Rumia offered to hold some of his luggage for him. So that was nice. What wasn't nice was when they got to the mansion. When they got there was a guard woman who looked like she was sleeping.

 When they got there was a guard woman who looked like she was sleeping

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"Uh, Rumia-San, I don't think we should disturb her." Rumia tilted her head at mob "well, why?" "Well, it's just that she looks very tried, and being a guards woman must be very tiring, so I think we should let her rest for a bit"  apparently she wasn't listening to Mob, because the first thing she did was touch the gate. suddenly the woman was awake and her arm shout out to seize Rumias." hey what do you think you're doing there, huh?" Rumia looked annoyed at this "Meiling, weren't you told I would be coming over to return some of patche's books?" "Well first of all you don't get to call her that and second of all why would you be returning her books? Isn't that something Marissa should be doing? actually, wait, never mind she never return them anyway. but you still can't come in" Meiling seemed like she wouldn't budge on this, but Rumia seemed to not care all that much. Rumia spread her arms as a black liquid of some sort was spreading around her  "Well then, I guess we'll just have to do damaku then" Meiling, in response, covered herself in a rainbow aura "I don't really want to battle right now, but..." Meiling smirked and took a Kung-Fu stance,"then I guess I can oblige" and they where off. Mob didn't want them to fight, but stopping them met using his powers again. The only reason why he used them on Rumia earlier was because of reflex. And on the subject of pychic powers, what's up with there's? Meiling aura felt both free and disciplined at the same time, like seasoned martial artist having a good match, while Rumia's felt like the night, dark and cold with little to be had. Still though, the warmth was there, even if it was small. The only reason he why he was inspecting their aura so much was because it didn't feel like psychic energy. Similar but different. At some point in the fight that he wasn't paying attention to, he felt a new aura enter from behind the gate and make there presence know. "excuse me, but could somebody be able to tell me if they seen my books or not?"

"Oh, hey patchy I think I might know where they are, just let me finish this first and I'll tell you" after saying that, Meiling changed her attack and fired it at Rumia

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"Oh, hey patchy I think I might know where they are, just let me finish this first and I'll tell you" after saying that, Meiling changed her attack and fired it at Rumia. Said Youkai, seeing the massive amounts of damage the attack could do to her, dodged out of the way, before realizing something crucial. Rumia's eyes widened before turning around and yelling, " MOB, LOOK OUT" Meiling, confused asked "what's a mo-OH SHIT, KID, LOOK OUT!" Behind them patchouli tried to conjure a spell to stop the Qi blast from hitting the young boy but it was to late. Mob, watching some bugs he saw on the ground, turned around to a ball of energy smashing into his face. Rumia was about shout out his name again, when suddenly, "don't worry, I'm fine." Mob emerged from the dust that the blast had caused completely fine. Meiling ran over to him and bowed so hard she caused cracks to spread across the ground from how hard her head hit the ground. "I am so so sorry I didn't see you at all and ineedtofinshthefi-" Mob, a bit put off by her apology "ah, I-it's fine, don't worry it was just a accident" patchouli watched as this boy dusted himself off. He was obviously very powerful if he could tank one one off Meilings attacks and come out unscathed, but what really told her that the boy was strong was his aura. It was immense, like a infinite waterfall that had been blocked by a dam that was slowly cracking. Rumilia would be interested in this boy. "Hey, little yokai-" "that's not my name!" "-why are you here again" "well I found that poster offering money for books so stole all of Marisa's and bought them over here. Oh, and I tried to eat mob but we became friends instead." Well, it's nice that she can get her books back. "Alright, you and mob, follow me" she went back inside as Rumia and Mob followed her inside the mansion.

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