Chemistry - 2 ~ Overthinking

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Hello fellow Hamun-lovers ^^
I'm sorry it took longer than expected .
My work schedule suddenly went crazy, so I was very busy. Here is a very short Chapter 2 for now, but I'm in the middle of writing Chapter 3.
Thank you so so so much for your reactions on this story!
I never wrote something before, so I was very worried, that it will turn out bad. You really made my day!

I hope you will enjoy this Chapter and the following ones as well.
Much love to all of you and I am excited to where this story will lead


It was a sleepless night for Hana.

With a pounding heart she thought back at how close she had been to share a kiss with Somun.
Surprised by herself of much she wanted that to happen.

Hana was very well aware of the chemistry between her and Somun.

They both where.

The innocent and warm hearted High School boy, who just had a small crush on her, had succeeded to find a way into her heart.

First as a member of the counters, which very quickly turned into being members of a chosen family. 

His jokes, or what she thought had been jokes, about her being his girlfriend slowly faded away and they started exchanging meaningful gazes.
Communicating with their eyes, small touches here and there, caring more and more for each other. 

But never crossing the line.

Never talking about what they really where. 

Family? Friends? Two human beings being drawn to each other?

Since Hana thought that Somun has also been fine with them being in that never defined or outspoken relationship, without going the next step, the last thing she had expected him to do was confessing so directly, that he still sees her as a woman.

Not as his chosen older sister.

But did she really never wanted more? Had she really been fine with their fake platonic relationship?

She felt the heat rising again in her cheeks when she thought about how desperately she longed for his lips just a few hours ago.

After a frustrated grunt she covered her eyes with one arm and placed the other hand on her heart to calm it down.

Being vulnerable was one of the most scariest feeling for Hana and she didn't know how to handle it.

It was a completely different situation to when she saw Dohwi again.
Her innocent first high school love. Nothing too serious.

Meeting him after all those years was like living in a bubble of her past.
It made her feel like she still had her family and friends.

 A normal life without knowing about evil spirits, without seeing murders all the time, without the pressure of being strong.

Back than she was allowed to be happy and carefree with no regrets, without guilt, without the fear of losing people dear to her.

During the span of a few days she could escape into her old life with Dohwi.

Fleeing from reality some moments here and there and pretending that everything was fine.
But there has always been a voice somewhere in the back of her head reminding her, that she could never really go back.


She suddenly sat up.

If she was brutally honest, she didn't even want to go back. 

How could she live even one day without her Noodle House Family?

All of them belonged together.

~Damn it!!! Why does Somun have to leave?~

And how dare he let off that bomb of a confession right before the day of his departure?

ChemistryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon