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"We should really try to not drink too much, one of us has to drive," Vic shouts over the loud music and I send her a side glance before handing her a red cup with a smile on my lips.

"Of course." I laugh, already knowing that not drinking too much is not an option, we'll figure it out later when the time comes.

I take a sip of my drink and look around, Harry's house looks a lot different with more people inside. It feels cramped and I feel like I can't even walk without bumping into someone, maybe it's because he invited a lot of people because I never thought I'd feel like this in a house as big as his.

I spot him not too far away, rolling my eyes when I see Isabelle standing next to him before Vic nudges my side. "Your man is busy, huh?"

"He's not my man, but yeah," I pause and scrunch up my nose a little, "I didn't think she'd be here."

"Well, she is and there's nothing you can do about it for now babe," She shrugs, grabbing onto my free hand and pulling me out of his kitchen and closer to where Harry is, "but maybe if he sees you he'll come to you."

I giggle when she looks me up and down with a whistle. I'm wearing a strapless black dress that hugs my body pretty nicely, it reaches the middle of my thighs and has two slits on each side which exposes them a little and I also decided to put on my black high-heeled platform boots, I really like them because they're knee high.

"I don't think so, at least not with her around." I roll my eyes once more with a shake of my head before taking a sip of my drink. I filled up our cups a lot just so we wouldn't need to go back to the kitchen so soon, so our movements must be a little careful so we don't spill the drinks.

"Just have fun! This is a party!" Vic shouts before gulping down everything in her cup and I part my lips in shock before deciding to do the same. She raises her cup in the air and screams in celebration while I finish mine and do the same, both of us looking a little crazy for screaming like that.

The music is so loud it's like it's making my bones vibrate, giggling when Vic snatches my cup out of my hand and walks towards where the drinks are to fill our cups and I hum to myself while moving softly to the beat of the music while waiting for her.

"Hey, Nova! Didn't think you'd be here." I turn around to see Jacob waving at me and I resist the urge to let out a disappointed sigh at the sight of him and not someone else, instead, I smile at him.

"Hi! Yeah, I was invited so here I am," I chuckle awkwardly while running my fingers through my hair to fix it a little as he nods lightly, taking a sip of his drink.

"So you watched our game yesterday, what'd you think?" I try not to roll my eyes at his small talk, I appreciate him for trying to make conversation but now's not the time and I'm not in the mood for it.

"It was cool, you're a good team." I smile, looking over my shoulder in hopes of seeing Vic and I curse when I get a glimpse of her talking with a guy before looking back at him. Even looking at him bores me. I don't want to sound mean but he's just not really my type, he's wasting his time and mine.

"Thanks! We all really enjoy doing that, it just–"

"Woah didn't expect to run into you two," I hear a familiar voice behind me and raise my eyebrows as Harry walks closer to us with furrowed eyebrows, standing next to me and looking Jacob up and down, "I need to speak to Nova though, good seeing you Jacob."

He sets a hand on my shoulder and pulls me the other way, further away from Jacob and into a hidden corner with fewer people, it's impossible to find any space without people which only makes me realise of how exposed we are.

"Hi, stranger."

"You enjoying the party, doll?" He whispers, keeping a good distance from me and I shrug with a nod. Somehow he looks better than usual, I can only assume he's had a few drinks already by the rosy colour of his cheeks and messy hair, it just makes me want to run my hands through it.

"It'd be better if she wasn't here," I emphasize with narrowed eyes while crossing my arms as he sighs with a shake of his head, grasping the bridge of his nose tightly.

"She's my girlfriend, Nova," He argues, setting a hand on his hip as I tilt my head at him as he rolls his eyes, "look, I can't talk much to you tonight, but it was good seeing you."

"What? Why?"

"Isabelle doesn't like you, okay? She doesn't want me around you," I part my lips at his bluntness, I know she doesn't like me, I mean it's pretty obvious, but he's letting her boss him around like he's just a toy, "I have to go now."

I watch him walk away with parted lips, standing frozen in that corner for a solid minute before rage fills my mind, filling me up and nearly drowning me. Without thinking any further I walk towards the drinks with a fast pace, containing my laughter when I see Vic making out with the guy she was talking to a few moments ago before filling up my cup and drinking all of it right after in quick gulps.

"Hey, girl!" Vic shouts, her hand on the guy's chest as I move quickly to grab the things I need for the plan forming in my head. It's not an evil plan, I'm not planning to kill anyone, at least not yet. I just want to have a little fun and maybe Harry will too, "what are you up to?!"

"I want him to do a body shot on me."

"You slut," She giggles, slapping my arm softly and I arch an eyebrow at her, "You're doing too much though, go to a room with the lime and the salt and ask him to bring you tequila!"

"Well, alright," I laugh as the guy waits for her to finish speaking with a bored expression on his face.

"Work smart, not hard," She winks at me and I giggle before she turns to the boy once more, connecting their lips and I look away immediately. Don't get me wrong I love my best friend, but I don't need to see all that.

I rush to Harry's room with high hopes that it's not taken yet and celebrate once I'm inside and no one is there. I look around in the darkness of the room before turning on his bedside lamp, making the room look a little more illuminated but not too much.

I text Harry, asking him to bring me a tequila shot in his bedroom and after a lot of back and forth through texts because he doesn't want his girlfriend to freak out, he finally gives in and agrees to bring me what I'm asking for.

I squeal quietly in excitement as my plan seems to be going smoothly. I've never done something like this before but I feel like Harry will know what to do. Maybe I shouldn't push my luck but as bad as this sounds, I was really looking forward to getting some action with him tonight. He did tell me to dress sexy for him, I did and now he's not going to do anything about it?

I sit on the end of his bed, leaning back on my elbows after I set them behind me on his sheets while waiting for him to walk in. And he does a few seconds later, an angry look on his pretty face.

"Nova, I told you I can't–" He stops in his tracks when he takes a look at me, closing the door behind him with a shot glass of tequila in his hand, "What are you doing?"

"Body shot?" I ask, setting the lime wedge between my teeth and he breathes in sharply, looking back at the door before locking it with a shake of his head.

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