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No one pov

At the beach
With the 7, Nico, Reyna, Thalia, Clarrise, Chris, Stoll brothers and Grover

"You guys are dating?"
"Yes, Jason. We are dating."
"Wow, I never thought Nico would have the guts to tell you that he loves you."
"Shut up, Grace," Nico said and put his arm around Percy's waist.
Percy kissed Nico's cheek.
"GET Your hand Off from my little brother, DEATH SPAWN! And Perseus, you didn't tell me that you were dating!" A strange voice came and everyone got scared except Percy. He sighed.
"Tri...Stop scaring my friends."
A boy who looks similar to Percy appears on the beach. He looked like he was 20.
"You should have told me that you were dating someone," Triton said while glaring at Nico.
"I started dating him a day before yesterday. And Triton please stop glaring at my boyfriend."
"Fine. But I need to talk to him privately." Triton said still glaring.
"Ok. Fine." Percy sighed. He knew his overprotective big brother wouldn't stop scaring his boyfriend.
"And Perseus... How do you plan to tell our father about this?" Triton asked and the only thing that came to Percy's mind was 'OMG'
"Do I have to tell him?" Percy asked with an innocent smile.
"Yes, you have to."
"OK OK, I will tell him."
Nico gulped and prayed to his father in his mind.
'Please Father, don't let me die.'

Well...Hades didn't save him. Nico had a very long lecture from Percy's overprotective big brother and father.
Also, Paul wasn't friendly when he found out that Nico was dating his son. (Paul thinks of Percy as his son.)
He threatened him with death. Honestly, Nico got scared. But at least Percy saved Nico from Annabeth's lecture. If Nico heard one more lecture he would die. But Nico knew what was Annabeth going to say. It's the same thing others said to Nico.
'If you hurt him, you will die.'
Even if they didn't tell Nico that he wasn't going to do that. And he would never hurt his sea prince. If he did he would kill himself. Because he loved him more than everything.
                  * * * * * * * * *

*One month later*

Percy felt guilty. He knew it wasn't his fault. But still, Alex left. Alex said that it wasn't Percy's fault. And he gave his address to Percy, so he could iris massage him. After two days Alex left Percy found a letter in his cabin. Percy started to read it. And a few small tears rolled down his cheek.

Dear Percy,
I always knew that I wouldn't have you. Nico is so lucky to have an angel like you in his life. I hope you both can live happily. But no matter what, you will always be in my heart. I was curious when my cousin told me about you.
He said that you were the most beautiful, brave, and pure boy he had ever met. I can see why my cousin loved you so much. He was lucky to have you. I am sure he will be happy for you Percy. And please don't think that I left because of you. it was not your fault.
All I have to say is that my cousin loved you so much. He always had sparkles in his eyes when he talked about you. He always wanted to spend his whole life with you. Luke loved you with his full heart Percy. And also I will.
                                  I love you, Percy.
                          Please never forget me...
                                   Alex Castellen.

                                   Alex Castellen

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                          -The End-

Hi, my dear readers,
So...this story is over. I hope you like it. Please comment and vote. Tell me your ideas about this story. I would love to know what you think about my story.  Also, check out my other story 'The Legendary Prince.'  I will finish it soon. And when I finish it I will do another story. It's called 'The Heirs of Olympus."  I'm planning on writing a Harry Potter story too. And it will be Drarry. It's my favorite ship in Harry Potter.
Comment what's your favorite ship in PJ and HP.

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