Chapter 27

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"I will prepare Alexa's meal box Rose. You are already late." Gulf insisted while Rose was trying to win race against time. She was going on a much needed vacation with her boyfriend.

Breathing a sigh of relief she hugged Gulf telling him that he was the best
"Ahem" Mew coughed hard and eyed Gulf to be separated from her.
"Owe.. Phi Mew is here too" Rose made a disgusted face
"Mr. Supasit for you!" Mew insisted
"Whatever. Why are you so jealous when I already have a lover"
"Why don't you stop getting clingy to my husband"
"I can cling all I want.. remember he is my best friend"
"And that is the only reason you are still breathing" Mew smirked at her
She got chills all over, scared she looked at Gulf for help.

"P'Mew stop it! When will you two stop bickering?" Gulf intervened
"But he started.. "
"Zip it Rose!" Gulf said sternly
"Go and have fun with Ray and don't worry about Alexa"
Gulf gave Rose a quick hug and pushed her out of the house with her luggage.

"I am so proud of you! You should have pushed her long time ago!" Mew said with a proud smile.

"Phi! You are sleeping on the couch tonight!"
"What did I do? She started it!" Mew scratched his head.
Gulf left without another word to prepare Alexa's meal and pack her bags followed by Mew who was constantly apologising and pleading to have mercy on him.

"Dada I have play date!" Alexa exclaimed as soon as she saw Gulf
"You have what?" Mew was shocked
"Phi! Relax she's just a kid"
"Ofcourse" Mew gave a fake smile while sneaking out and to call Lhong and direct him to do a background check on a 4 year old kid who invited Alexa for play date.
"That's great sweetheart! Why don't we pack your bags coz you are gonna stay with Dada and daddy this week"
After Mew was discharged from the hospital Gulf insisted on moving in with him to take care of him. Alexa would stay with her mother and spend weekends with her Dada and Mew. Much to Rose's dislike, Mew had taught Alexa to call him daddy. He had become her favourite and Mew spoiled her rotten. She could make Mew do anything and everything for her. She had him completely wrapped around her little finger.

"Really!! Yayyyy" she jumped with excitement

"Daddy can I have ice cream for dinner? Alexa asked innocently
"I am already sleeping on couch, love. Don't make it worse for me. Dada will kick me out of the house if he knows I am giving you ice cream. Please, have mercy on me" Mew pleaded

"Mr. Mew Supasit!" Gulf snarled from the bedroom door startling both Alexa and Mew

"Daddy said he will buy ice cream but I don't want it!" Alexa lied through her teeth surprising Mew on how well 4 year old could lie.

It was his turn to stop getting scared and lie!

" I didn't! But if she behaves and if Dada permits may be we can think about it!"
Gulf ignored his mumbling and asked him if he had sent private investigator to follow a kid!

As realisation hit him, Mew reasoned that he just wanted to make sure that he was serious about Alexa and didn't have eyes for anyone else which was extremely important as he didn't want Alexa to suffer a heartbreak.

"Are you for real! They are just kids"
"But he could be her first kiss and if they want to get married.. I have to know that he can take care of her.."
"Phi.. you are impossible" Gulf was annoyed

"Babe... it's lonely here on the couch!" Mew made a puppy face at Gulf who was cleaning the kitchen.
"Stop taking advantage of my kind heart" Gulf retorted.
"Okay.. but May I have a good night kiss"
Gulf knew very well what a good night kiss would lead to but he gave in anyway

Gulf sat on Mew's lap and slowly leaned closer to slightly kiss Mew on his lips.
"Good night" he whispered but both of their hearts wanted more.
Mew pecked his lips a few more times before devouring them, their eyes closed. Mew moved down to his neck leaving sloppy kisses all over.
Gulf tilted his head backwards to give him more access while pulling him closer.
Mew's hands were pinching and groping his buttocks which had become his favourite part of Gulf's body. Mew slowly moved one of his hand underneath Gulf's tee to find another one of his favourite part. He pinched Gulf's nipples hard earning a loud moan from Gulf.
"Shhshhh! Don't be too loud. Alexa is sleeping in the next room" Mew warned
Gulf started to breath heavily
"I can't. You make me want to scream. Let's go to our bedroom"
Mew gave a winning smile.
The first weekend after Gulf moved in, Mew had a really hard time as he could not make love to Gulf. Gulf was very loud and his study was still a studyroom. After suffering for two whole days, Mew immediately converted his study into a bedroom for Alexa and sound proofed their bedroom. He didn't want Gulf to hold back when they made love. The moans and pleads were a big turn on for Mew.

He carried Gulf to their bedroom still passionately kissing him and shut the bedroom door. He pushed Gulf on the bed who was already in a daze with lust and arousal
"Now scream for me baby!" Mew ordered

"Can you wear something less sexy?"
"What!! It's a family dinner"
"And Rose is invited"
"She is family!" Gulf knitted his brows and crossed his hands making Mew gulp his own saliva

"Fine!! But you don't have to peck her in front of me"
"Aawww.. did I tell you ... you look sooo delicious when jealous" Gulf pulled Mew by his collar, with a couple of inches left between their lips, he licked his own lips suggestively.

"I think we still have some time.." Mew said moving his hands on Gulf's buttocks, pinching them roughly.
"I think we better hurry.. or you will have to answer father" Gulf said mockingly

Mew immediately detached himself from Gulf, making a displeased face
"Do you have to ruin our moment" Gulf laughed out loud teasing Mew for being scared of his father
"I am not scared, I respect him and so I don't want to keep him waiting" Mew insisted

The dinner was pleasant. Like a family dinner Gulf always wanted. Laughter and fun filled evening with his favourite people, his in laws who adored him as much as his parents did, if not more, his dear friend and saviour- Rose with her fiancé and the two love of his life, his lovely daughter- Alexa and his husband - his P'Mew. He could not let anything or anyone ruin this happiness. And he made sure that no one could harm his family.
"What happened phi?" Gulf asked looking at Mew who was reading a text on his phone
"Kao and Florence died in a mob fight in prison" He informed with a shocking expression.
"Ow.. May their soul rest in peace" Mew looked at Gulf suspiciously who was neither surprised nor shocked at the information.
"They were supposed to be released on parole next week. I was worried they would try to harm us" Mew added
"Is that so.. well it's good we don't have anything to worry about now. Anyways, you reap as you sow" Gulf casually offered some more chicken to Mew and continued to enjoy his dinner leaving Mew bewildered.


AN: That's the final chapter. Hope you enjoyed. see you soon again!

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