[Request] | [! Yandere !] Fire Spirit cookie X Reader

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| [Nahh, not most of these requests already being a month old already bc I suck at time management 💀] |
| [I mean. That's what you get with me] |
| [Truly author of the year material here /j]

| [Pretty tired today after mowing my lawn] |

| [I'm trying to be productive but I got distracted again and am writing a yandere Kieran book (the guy from Pokémon S&V that says wowzers a lot) bc I need more of that "will kill you and stuff your corpse in the basement energy" /j] |

| [I just wanted to make a more cohesive story driven yandere book and, well, he does have just the energy needed for that XD] |
| [I currently have no intentions on releasing it bc idk if it'd be a good idea (even tho I already write yandere scenarios lol)] |

| [Imagine if I did one of those stupid "if this post gets __ likes" thing] |

| [Someone needs to rid me of my writing privileges.] |

| [Anyways thanks @HaloHalfAngel for the request (if you're even still around lmao 💀)] |

| [Reader uses They/Them] |
| [Second person pov] |

Adventure often runs through your blood...

No..no that was wrong...

The only reason you even went out and adventured was because it was the only way for you to make a decent living.

You lived in the dragon city. The only way you managed to make money was by selling the many precious materials and trinkets that could be found in the dragon's valleys.
While many considered the high risk, high reward aspect of the dragon's valley too much it was the only chance you had to make money.
After all, you weren't exactly too fond of starving in the streets.
At least any death you'd experience in the dragon's valley would be fast..

The heat from nearby magma pools made you unbelievably sweaty.
It was unbearable in every sense of the word, if it wasn't for your need for extra cash you would've skipped out on adventuring for the summer.

"Ugh..just..gotta..find something..and leave.." You panted, pushing more sweat from your forehead.
You glanced around the dull landscape that stretched out before you, though..there was one thing out of place.

A large staff was stuck in the center of a cliff overseeing a large magma river. Held on the staff was a glowing, red jewel.
It looked like it could sell for a fortune at the market. You'd be set for the rest of the year considering how smooth and shiny it looked, key factors when trying to figure out if your jewel was high quality or not.

Though why on earthbread would someone just leave a staff out here.

Burying that thought, you quickly scaled up the cliff towards the staff. A slight thought of how this was almost too easy ran through your head but that was also silenced.
You snooze, you lose after all.

"...hnnnngh-!" You pulled at the staff, fruitlessly attempting to pull it from the ground but it was really fastened in there.
"Oh- come ooon already!"
What was this thing-? The sword in the stone?
"Hey! Hey! Hey! That's mine! Would you quit that?!"

You practically jumped out of your dough with fright, falling over from the fright.
Within the cracks of the stones, a cookie that seemed to be made of pure fire flew out, grabbing the staff with little trouble.
"That's mine! Do you cookie's have any shame?!"
You gawked at the cookie before you, whoever this...thing was..they seemed to be made of pure fire.
"..uhm, I'm sorry?" You stuttered out.
"Some weak apology. Do you even know who I am?!"
"I-! I'm the great Fire Spirit cookie!"
"...Are you pulling my leg?"

'Fire Spirit' cookie gave you an exaggerated glare.
"Pulling your-?! What are you even on about!"
"W-Well..Aren't all the elemental cookies just bedtime stories told to children?"
"Excuse me?! I'm no story! I'm the real deal!"
"..whatever.." You sighed, turning your back to this weirdo and walked away.
"And where do you think you're going?" Fire Spirit cookie hissed, floating in front of you in order to block your path.

Fire Spirit cookie grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks painfully. His hands were rather hot, uncomfortably so.
"Leave! You think you can try and steal my staff and then just leave?!"
"...uhm..yeah." You shrugged, feeling your cheeks burn painfully. "I mean..I'm sorry..If that remedies this."
"No! It really doesn't!"

Fire Spirit cookie groaned, finally letting you go.
"Ugh..You need to help me with something! Only then will I accept your half-hearted apology."
You sighed, hoping that what Fire Spirit cookie was going to have you do wouldn't be difficult.

Turned out it was difficult, very difficult.
You groaned tiredly, your hands covered in dust and gravel.
Fire Spirit was having you pull out jewels and minerals from the ground and cave walls.
Fire Spirit cookie would constantly be harassing you while you tried to do your job.
It was rather annoying, you were exasperated when you finally found the job.

"There! That's all the gems you wanted! Happy?" You grumbled angrily.
"...not exactly.." Fire Spirit cookie snapped back. "Your attitude could use an adjustment.."
"...But I still did what you wanted. Am I off the hook?"
"Fine. I'll give you that..You're off the hook." Fire Spirit sighed, waving his staff around.

You let out an exasperated sigh, remembering that you had nothing to sell, it seems you'd have to skip dinner.
With professional timing, your stomach growled loudly.
"What was that?" Fire Spirit cookie sniffed. "Are you hungry?"
"Yeah! What about it!..." You snapped, though quickly regretted being so rude. "I just have no money for food...Not that you should care.."
"...is that why you were after my staff?"
Turning heel, you started to leave, only for Fire Spirit cookie to suddenly appear in front of you with a large gem in his grip (though it seemed to be melting slightly).

"What's this?" You asked wearily.
"For you. Sell it, so you can get more food." He smirked. "Can't have you dying on me when you could continue being useful to me!"
You took it with withering joy, at least you'd be able to eat despite his tactless comment.
Continuing on your path, you only stopped when Fire Spirit asked you the strangest thing.

"Did you enjoy being around me?"
"...I guess.." You replied half heartedly, not wanting to get more work.
"...Would you..continue being around me?"
"Geez you're acting weird..." It freaked you out slightly. "I just did this one thing for you. Don't press it."
Jogging off, you didn't bother to look back, just eager to eat and survive another day.

Fire Spirit cookie clicked his tongue, sitting on top of his staff.
This odd feeling, he hadn't recalled feeling it sense the time he got the dragon's bead.
"It's rather sad you live in such a shabby place.."
His eyes narrowed at your practically repulsive home. You none the wiser to his stalking.
"Perhaps soon I'll bring you somewhere better.."
Fire Spirit took off, flying over the valley.
Before he brought you back though, he'd have to learn much more about you.
"Guess it's time to start thinking up more jobs for you my love..."
"I can't wait~!"

{.~* Crumbs *~.}

[Authors note: Won't lie. Didn't have a lot of ideas for this. Fire Spirits is slightly difficult to write considering he's stuck in OB hell for rn.
I tried, hope it's not bad considering I had writers block for like. The entire chapter.

Anyways. To celebrate spooky season I'll be doing some Halloween themed characters throughout October. Examples like: [Demon] Okchun cookie (and no not the dumb oni this time) or [Vampire] Moonlight cookie (in the evil red costume lol) just to name a few. So stay tuned]

[Thanks for reading ~ Sofanthiel 🍪]

[Total words: 1307]

(The little fella wasn't working so uhm. Just act like he's here)

"I'm like hey what's up hello."

|.~*Crumbs*~.| Yandere CookieRun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now